Index A-Z

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Bush meat extraction rose considerably in Central Africa


Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF) Governing Council agrees to launch 2nd call for proposals

CBFP - China Dialog 

CBFF - Statement of Support to the Congo Basin Fund (June 2008)

CBFF- Strategic Framework Congo Basin Forest Fund

CBFF- Launch (french)

CBFF - Statement of Support to the Congo Basin Fund (June 2008)


Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) as a type II partnership (non-binding)


CBFP before the American Congress


CBFP - China: CBFP's Facilitators on the road to China (April 20 to 27)

CBFP - China: Summary of Proceedings IFIA Workshop for Dialogue (COMIFAC-IFIA-China)


CBFP Facilitator Delegate attends Washington Global Forest Leaders Forum


CBFP- New Member ALPI Group

CBFP - New Member Norway

CBFP - New Member Precious Woods


CBFP - See all CBFP - Members


CBFP- Objectives and working structure

CBFP info flyer

CBFP cooperation framework

CBFP- Evaluation of the CBFP and its facilitation (2007) (French document)


CBFP - Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) 7th (Douala 2009)

CBFP- RAC 6th (Brazzaville 2008)

CBFP- RAC 3rd (Paris 2006) (french)

CBFP- RAC 1st (Libreville 2005) (french) 

CBFP plenary meeting: 6th


CBFP- Welcome address of the German Facilitator


CEFDHAC- Collaboration agreement COMIFAC-CEFDHAC (2008, French info flyer)

CEFDHAC - governing articles (2007, in French

CEFDHAC internal regulations (2007, in French)

CEFDHAC - organisational analysis and recommendations (2006, in French)

CEFDHAC National Fora Presidents (January 2009)


Certification- On the verge of developing a regional referential for forest certification: GSRT-FSC 3rd meeting

Certification - ATIBT: Workshop on High Conservation Value Forests:GSRT-FSC 2nd (February 26-29, in Douala)

Certification-Workshop on regional referential for forest certification in the Congo Basin- GSRT-FSC 2nd (French)

Certification- COMIFAC workshop on credible certification in Congo Basin (french)

Certification - Rougier Gabon obtains the FSC certification 

Certification - A new forest concession certified in Cameroon (french) 


CES Brazzaville offers new multidisciplinary training programme


COMIFAC-ECCAS: The 14th Summit of Heads of State and Government Consolidates and give Security to COMIFAC!

COMIFAC- Extraordinary Conference of Ministers of ECCAS -COMIFAC in Kinshasa

COMIFAC Ministers consultations in Libreville (May 2009)

COMIFAC- Council of Ministers 6th:COMIFAC adopts its Plan for Action 2009-2010

COMIFAC- Council of Ministers 5th

COMIFAC- Council of Ministers 4th (french)

COMIFAC- Note synthèse COMIFAC (2008) (french)

COMIFAC-Conclusions de la première réunion de concertation COMIFAC et institutions partenaires) 2009 (french)

COMIFAC-Presentations delivered at the COMIFAC side event during COP9 CBD in Bonn (May 28, 2008)

COMIFAC Treaty, Brazzaville (2005)

COMIFAC- Brazzaville Resolution 2005


COMIFAC Convergence Plan



Dialog CBFP - China




FAM-CPS-CEFDHAC engages to follow the financial autonomous mechanism (FAM)

FAM- ECCAS: The 14th Summit of Heads of State and Government Consolidates and give Security to COMIFAC!

FAM- Extraordinary Conference of Ministers of ECCAS -COMIFAC in Kinshasa

FAM- COMIFAC Ministers consultations in Libreville (May 2009)

FAM- Council of Ministers 6th:COMIFAC adopts its Plan for Action 2009-2010

FAM- Council of Ministers 5th

FAM- Council of Ministers 4th (french)

FAM- Note synthèse COMIFAC (2008) (french)

FAM- Conclusions de la première réunion de concertation COMIFAC et institutions partenaires) 2009 (french)

FAM- Une convention de contribution au profit de la CAWFHI (2009) (french)


French Facilitation

French Facilitation - Important Events

French Facilitation-International Convention

French Facilitation-Training


German Facilitation Road Map 2008-2009

GTBAC 10th: Towards the development of strategy APA for COMIFAC’s space countries

GTBAC 9th: Central Africa in one accord in Douala, Cameroon


IUCN Toolkit forest- poverty / policy brief


Job offers


Mapping tools


Newsletter CBFP

National Forestry Program (NFP) The network of Parliament members (REPAR) 2nd conference


New multilateral finance partnership for RDC (UK-Germany)


On its efforts to preserve the Congolese forests,

Other links





REDD- Monitoring Carbon Stocks and Fluxes at the Centre of the COMIFAC Workshop

REDD- COP 15 UNFCCC Recommendations from CIFOR Forest Day 3

REDD- COP 15 UNFCCC CEEAC-France: "Today, Africa is Part of the Solution"

REDD- COP 15 UNFCCC COMIFAC: Tropical Forests at the Centre of Negotiations

REDD- CIFOR Central Africa 2: Preparing for Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change

REDD- One-fifth of fossil-fuel emissions absorbed by threatened forests

REDD- Dialogue on Initiatives for REDD Readiness in the Congo Basin

REDD- Forest Day presented summary of key messages to UNFCCC Secretariat

REDD- More research on climate aid: Oxford Energy and Environment Comment

REDD- Regotiating climate policies - domestic and international coalition forming

REDD- COMIFAC Workshop on REDD (Paris, 10-14 March 2008)

REDD- COMIFAC workshop's documentation on REDD (Brazzaville, 2-4 February 2010)

 Background documents Congo Basin REDD Donor Dialogue (23 october 2008)


RIFFEAC- Capacity Building for Forest and Environmental Schools

RIFFEAC - Strengthening of the partnership between InWEnt and RIFFEAC


Regional Seminar on Forest-Environmental Training Programmes in Central Africa

Regional workshop on national forest programs (may 23 - 25th 2006 in Douala)


Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)- The real issues of sustainable management in Lomié

SFM- On its efforts to preserve the Congolese forests,

SFM - Newsletter of the "Project for Managing Small Gabonese Forest Licenses"

SFM -DR Congo plans to cancel more than two-thirds of its timber logging contracts

SFM- Du progrès palpable enregistré au niveau de l'aménagement (french)

SFM- IFIA-Amis de la Terre: Mission conjointe contre l'exploitation illégale (french)

SFM- SCIENCE Special Issue on "Forests in Flux"


State of the Forests (SOF) - The Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forest 2008 launched at the U.S. Capital

SOF-OFAC: The State of the Forests in the Congo Basin 2008

SOF- 2005


SOF- 2008

SOF- Conclusions from the "State of the Forests 2008" validation workshop

Sommet des Chefs d'Etat (2eme) sur la conservation des écosystèmes forestiers d'Afrique Centrale

Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)-Conclusions of the CBFP Workshop on the Role of Industrial Logging



Thematic documents

Training a strategic framework


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness



VPAs FLEGT- FERN/Forest Watch Ghana Press Release: Cautious optimism as first VPA is signed in Ghana

VPAs FLEGT- The EU Concludes FLEGT Agreement with Republic of Congo

VPAs FLEGT- The EU FLEGT (VPA) negotiation with Republic of Cameroon

VPAs FLEGT - COMIFAC Evaluation workshop on AFLEG/FLEGT Task Force (13-15 May 2009)




Yaoundé Declaration (1999) (French document)