Summary of Proceedings IFIA Workshop for Dialogue
Participants dearly appreciated the initiative and welcomed the strong feedback from private companies, national and international NGOs and development partners operating in the sub-region. All these actors' presence was generally considered as a strong indicator proving that the meeting responded to a real need for dialogue sensed by all of the partners.
For further details on debates and viewpoints, please feel free to download the summary of the proceedings and the presentations (original titles).
Dialogue between IFIA and Asian operators in the Congo Basin Forestry Sector
"Evolution récente de la gouvernance pour la gestion durable des ecosystèmes forestiers dans le Bassin du Congo" -Christophe BESACIER, Regional forest advisor, French Embassy, Libreville.
"L' initative FLEGT" - Alain PENELON, Regional consultant FLEGT/COMIFAC
"Guide on Sustainable Overseas Silviculture by Chinese Enterprises" - Dr. Liu DAOPING, Departement of Afforestation, Chinese State Forestry Administration
"IFIA Interafrican Forest Industries Association" - Hervé Bourgignon
OLAM Gabon SARL - Corporate Presentation
SINOPEC - Présentation des pratiques de protection de l'environnement de SINOPEC Overseas Oil & Gas Ltd SIPC
"The Central Africa Forest and Trade Network (CAFTN/Réseau Forêts et Commerce d'Afrique Centrale: une initiative du WWF" - Nathalie NYARE, Forest Officer WWF Gabon
"European Timber Trade Action Plan TTAP" - Germain YENE YENE, TTAP Project Officer
Photo: Workshop participants
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
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Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
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Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
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ATIBT -CBFP: Private Sector mobilized around the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany
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