Forestry glossary

This selection of glossary in forestry and related terminology gives you the possibility to find quick definition, formal description, significance, synonyms, translation and adaptations of certain terms commonly used in forestry.


IUFRO - CARBON in FORESTS. Multilingual Glossary (E,F,A,ES). For the sake of a better mutual understanding at the international level, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has compiled a multilingual glossary on 'carbon in forests', which highlights the terms that may cause confusion because of diverging national interpretations.


FAO - The FAO-led Global Forest Resources Assessment (2005).  Terms and Definitions (E,F,ES). This glossary presents the terms and definitions used in the FAO-led Global Forest Resources Assessment (2005) as well as the explanatory notes. This global assessment, to which the terms in question are referred, is also indicated. Please see  also the additional terms and definitions related to forest resources assessment.


OFAC - Forestry glossary. Definitions of key terms commonly used in the knowledge base of the OFAC.


Wikipedia - List of tropical forest species. This list is an outline concerning the flora and contains the most frequent commercial species in the world. It is derived from the botanical web portal, nature conservation portal, Portal of wood and forest, and the Portal of the useful plant.


Canadian Forest Service - Glossary of forestry terminology. The terms corresponding in English are indicated in the french version in italic at the end of each definition.


Babylon 8 - French-English forest glossary. The terms and definitions propose here are derived from more than 1500 dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias.


Wikipedia - Glossary of silviculture. It draws up the list of terms and definitions used in the scientific, technical and commercial treatment of the forest, from regeneration to harvesting.


NFI glossary of forestry terminology. You will find here a glossary in 3 languages (French, German, Italian). All the keys terms are followed by their definition and some coupled to an explanatory link.


CREAF - Glossary of the forestry terms. You find there: Botanical glossary, horticultural lexicon, lexicon of the medicinal properties, families of plants, medicinal plants, forest plants, indigenous herborist and ethno botanic references.


Forest Investment - Glossary foresters. Terms and definitions proposed by the FNAIM specialized in forestry transactions.