Reports and presentations

Please find below recently (starting in February 2008) published reports or presentations delivered in the context of the partnership's activities. We have chosen this somehow eclectic presentation, structured only by the date of publication on our website, in order to be able to keep in track with number of incoming reports and presentations without having to reshuffle categories every other month.


However, a number of documents considered as key documents for the partnership (treaties, international conventions and framework papers) have been posted in a special section mentioned in the header. If you still cannot find the document you are looking for, please try the search function on top of the page or have a look on the PEFAC site, which offers a real digital library with a number os search functions.

COMIFAC workshop's documentation on REDD (Brazzaville, 2-4 February 2010)



Proceedings of the Brazzaville Conference on «Monitoring Carbon Stocks and Fluxes” -  COMIFAC Workshop


Mostly available in French


Agenda final de l'atelier (Brazzaville, 2-4 février 2010)


Jour 1 Mardi 02 FEVRIER 2010


Discours-programmes de la COMIFAC et du Ministère en charge des Forêts de la République du Congo, suivis d'un aperçu des exigences REDD dans la région.


Session douvertre


Les objectifs de la conférence Chris Justice (Univ. Maryland) et Philippe Mayaux (Centre Commun de Recherche - CE)

Quelles sont les perspectives post-Copenhague pour les pays d'Afrique centrale ? - Raymond Lumbuenamo (WWF)

Quelles sont les exigences techniques du REDD ? - Philippe Mayaux (JRC-UE)


Carbone et REDD


Etat des connaissances sur les stocks de carbone et leurs variations dans les forêts d'Afrique centrale- Robert Nasi (CIFOR)

Livre de référence « Source book » du REDD - Danilo Mollicone (FAO)

Aperçu des projets REDD / quantification du Carbone en Afrique central - Carlos de Wasseige (OFAC)

UN-REDD en RDC - Bruno Guay (ONFi)


Suivi de l'Occupation du Sol et des Forêts


2e Panel sur la cartographie du couvert forestier et de la déforestation en Afrique centrale : OSFAC/SDSU/UMD - Modérateur : Matt Hansen

Mapping wetland extend in the Cuvette Central -  Bwangoy - Bankanza -  Matt Hansen (SDSU)

Conservation Land Use Planning in the Maringa-Lopori-Wamba Landscape, Democratic Republic of Congo - Janet Nackoney (University of Maryland)

Modeling the hydrology of the Congo Basin - Yolande Munzimi (SDSU)

Application dans le cadre du FRA - Erik Lindquist (FAO)

Analyse des causes de déforestation - Pierre Defourny/Céline Delhage (UCL)

Observatory of central African forest- National and regional estimate of forest cover and forest cover change 1990, 2000, 2005 - Pierre Defourny et al. (UCL)

Résultats et outil de validation - Point focaux FRA des pays et Philippe Mayaux (UE - JRC)

Transition vers une exploitation régionale - OSFAC Vers un Monitoring Régulier des Forêts du Bassin du Congo - Landing Mane (OSFAC)


Jour 2 Mercredi 03 FEVRIER 2010


Présentation des approches techniques pour le suivi du carbone, aussi bien in situ que par télédétection


Méthode et Projets


Panel de GEO-FTC: National Demonstrators in the GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Task - Michael Brady (Canadian Forest Service)

Panel de GEO-FTC: The GEO Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) initiative - Towards the Implementation of a global Forest Carbon Tracking System - Giovanni Rum (GEO Secretariat)

The GEO Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) initiative -Coordination of space based observations - Giovanni Rum (GEO Secretariat)

Le suivi du carbone dans les forêts du Gabon : Fusion des données de terrain et spatiales - Simon Lewis (Université de Leeds) et Sassan Saatchi (NASA)

Les projets carbone en République du Congo - Fred Stolle (WRI)

Cartographie de la biomasse - Andréana Mekui Biyogo/Nadine Laporte (WHRC)

Pan-Tropical ALOS / PALSAR Mapping in Support of Forest Carbone Tracking - Laporte, Walker et al. (WHRC)

Projet REDD au Cameroun - Thomas Haeusler / Sharon Gomez (GAF)

Le REDD et le développement d'un système MRV en RDC - Danae Maniatis (FAO)

La mesure des stocks de carbone aérien dans les forêts du Bassin du Congo - Jean Rémy Makana (WCS)

An earth observation ground station and research laboratory for long term forest monitoring in central Africa - Jean-Marie Fotsing et al. (SEAS Gabon)

Le carbone dans les concessions forestières - Nicolas Bayol (FRM)


Projets de terrain et autres services environnementaux


Le carbone dans l'agroforesterie au Cameroun- Denis Sonwa (CIFOR)

Le puits de carbone forestier Ibi Bateke : état d'avancement et perspectives d'avenir - Olivier Mushiete (NOVACEL)

Suivi de la structure forestière - Nicolas Barbier (IRD - ULB/FNRS)

Impact du changement global sur la biodiversité forestière du bassin du Congo - Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury (CIRAD)

Développement territorial et utilisation du sol dans le paysage MLW - Jef Dupain (AWF)

Présentation du Projet REDD en République du Congo - Georges Claver Boundzanga (MDDEFE) et FRED Stolle (WRI)

Dynamique d'utilisation du sol et distribution de la population humaine en RDC - Jean-Paul Kibambe (UCL)


Données satellites et Acquisition régionale


Accès aux données satellitaires - Michael Brady (GOFC-GOLD) - Landing Mane (OSFAC)

Les données de DMCii - Owen Hawkins (DMCii)

Les données CBERS pour l'Afrique - Claudio Almeida (INPE)

Mise à la disposition des images satellites Spot pour le suivi du couvert forestier du Bassin du Congo -Corintin Mercier (AFD)


Jour 3 Jeudi 04 FEVRIER 2010


Poursuite des discussions sur les aspects techniques du suivi du carbone dans le Bassin du Congo


Sessions parallèles et Travaux de groupe


Groupe 2 capacity building and information dissemination and data sharing in the sub region

Groupe 3 Satellite observations and Ground stations

Groupe 3 (2) questions

Groupe 4 Biomasse

Synthèse et résumé des actions

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Documentation of the Expert Group of the N'Djamena International Conference

Download all the documentation of the Experts' Segment of the International Conference of Ministers of Defense, Security and Protected Areas on the fight against poaching and other cross-border criminal activities“ activities from 23 to 25 January 2019, N'Djamena, Chad ...


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Speeches and high level Statements at the 18th CBFP Meeting of Parties

Please download the speeches of the opening ceremony, 18th CBFP Meeting of the Parties, Brussels, November 28, 2018...

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MOP18-Agenda of the opening ceremony and High-­level statements

Please download the speeches of the opening ceremony, 18th CBFP Meeting of the Parties, Brussels, November 28, 2018...

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MoP 18th - Restitution of Stream 1 : Forest Governance and Land Use

Kindly download the background Documents which will be presented in plenary of 11h15 min :  1) Final Communiqué of Forest Governance Forum - Brazzaville, 31 October 2018 (2) For More Effective Participatory Forestry in the Context of Agenda 2030 - The Brazzaville Roadmap, Mai 2018 ...

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MoP 18 - Restitution of Stream 3: Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation

Kindly download the background Documents which would be presented in Plenary of 28th November at 11:15 am: (1) REPORT – Climate Change Sub­regional preparatory workshop for future UNFCC meetings, 16-­18 October 2018, Douala, Cameroon (Kribi, Republic of Cameroon: 16-­18 October 2018) (2) Policy Brief - Contributions of Central African countries to combat climate change  - The urgent need for intersectorial coordination.

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Documentation of the 18th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Restitution of Stream 2: Biodiversity Conservation and Wildlife

Kindly download the background Documents which presented in plenary of 28th November at 11:15 am: (1) Proceeding of the Workshop „International Conference of Ministers of Defense, Security and Protected Areas on the fight against poaching and other cross-border criminal activities“ -  Douala, november 2018 (2) Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development : Update to Congo Basin Forest Partnership (3) N'Djamena Conference -  Synthesis Briefing ...

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Documentation of the 17th CBFP Meeting of Parties -Stream 3 : Climate Change (adaptation and mitigation)

Please download the stream 3 Documents: Climate Change (adaptation and mitigation): Development of NDCs and Realities of Climate Finance in Central Africa. Leaders: World Bank (PREREDD+), the Climate WG of COMIFAC...

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Documentation of the 17th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Stream2: Biodiversity and wildlife

Please download the stream 2 Documents: Biodiversity and wildlife. Stream Leader : AWF, Stream Co-Leaders: WRI, COMIFAC governance working group (possibly FLAG)7. Stream Dates: Wednesday 25th / Thursday 26th of October 2017

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Documentation of the17th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Stream1: Forest governance and land use

Please download the stream1 Documents: Forest governance and land use. How to address the lack of adequate regulation of the fast growing national and regional timber markets in the Congo Basin?

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Documentation of Streams 1 to 5

Stream 1 : Forest management policies and land use planning…Stream 2 : Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources, including fight against Poaching and wildlife trafficking…Stream 3: Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation…Stream 4: sustainable economic development and the private sector…Stream 5: Knowledge-Based Decision-Making…

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Documentation of the16th CBFP Meeting of Parties – Plenary – 25th November 2016

Introductory speech, Mr Anders Henriksson, CBFP EU Facilitator: Adoption of the 2016 Revision of the CBFP Framework for Cooperation…Keynote speech, Mr. Kaddu Sebunya, Chairman, African Wildlife Foundation…Keynote speech, Mr. Praveen Moman, Founder and CEO, Volcanoes Safaris ...Press release of the 16th Meeting of the Parties to the CBFP

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16th meeting of CBFP partners. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session-Stream 1 : Forest management policies and land use planning

Session1: Data base and information management tools for enhanced land use planning…Session 2: Identifying intersectoral planning priorities…Session 3: Forest zoning…Session 4: Monitoring systems within and outside forest areas..

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16th meeting of CBFP partners. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session-Stream 3: Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation

Stream Leaders: World Bank (PREREDD+) and Climate Working Group- COMIFAC. Co-Leaders: ITTA/CIFOR, USFS, IUCN, Norway/NICFI, CAFI; GCF, GEF, Rwanda, WRI, EU REDD Facility/EFI, EU’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) initiative, WHRC, WWF, ICAT-DTU, VCS, ADB-CBFF, Rainforest alliance, UK, ICRAF, CIRAD, WHRC

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16th meeting of CBFP partners. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session-Stream 4: sustainable economic development and the private sector

Session1: Challenges to public policy in managing “historic” private sector actors in forest areas towards sustainable development… Session 2: Traceability of products from the exploitation of natural resources: Economic management and transparency tools for companies and public authorities… Session 3…

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16th meeting of CBFP partners. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session-Stream 5: Knowledge-Based Decision-Making

Stream 5 seeks to conduct semi-structured interviews of the leaders of other Streams to better understand how they are making decisions and how Stream 5 could facilitate knowledge-based decision making.. Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session...

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Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session - Stream 3: Forest Law Enforcement and Good Governance

Proceedings and documentation of Thematic Session - Stream 3: Forest Law Enforcement and Good Governance -  - and Land Use Dynamics - Leader: EU


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Proceedings and documentation of 14th CBFP Meeting of Partners, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, 8-9th October 2014

...Download all the presentations, official statements and general documents related to the 14th CBFP Meeting of  Partners  -  In Focus on : (1) REDD+ and Low Emissions Development for Green Economic Growth:  Exploring the role of forest protection, agriculture and cross-sectorial planning in green economic growth and low emissions sustainable development, REDD+ climate efforts - (2) The impact of UNFCCC and international processes on Central African Forests - (3) Finance Mechanisms for REDD+, rural economic growth, low emissions development, and tropical forest protection   - (4)  New Horizons: a Revised Plan de Convergence - A discussion with COMIFAC and CBFP Partners on the process to update, streamline and strengthen the Plan de Convergence  - (5) Marketplace of Ideas - (6) Community, Cross-Border, and Regional Cooperation in Wildlife Conservation: Exploring ongoing initiatives to mobilize ideas and spur concrete actions by Central African and international governments, NGOs, the private sector, civil society, and youth to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking - (7) Addressing the Drivers of Deforestation and Land Use planning in Central Africa: Exploring forest protection and agricultural productivity, intra-government collaboration, and innovative land use planning systems  -  (8) Innovation Alley: Scaling Up Best Land Use Practices and Tools: This is an expanding list of multiple presenters -  (9)  Getting out of the forest to save the forest: Broadening engagement with partners across sectors for optimal low emissions development. For REDD+ to be cross-sectorial, which partnersare needed, what is the role of institutions, communities and civil society stakeholders?   -  (10) Next Steps: New Partner Actions: A session to reveal bold actions, new linkages and impactful initiatives for 2015 ... 



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Proceedings and documentation of 13th CBFP Meeting of Partners, Libreville, Gabun, 2-4th Dec. 2013

Download all the presentations, official statements and general documents related to the 13th CBFP Meeting of  Partners  -  In Focus on : (1) Developing Conservation-based Economic Opportunities (2) Innovation Alley: a Showcase of Successful Economic Projects (3) Congo Basin REDD+ Platform: Adaptation and Mitigation (4) Improving the Enabling Environments for Civil Society Engagement (5) Training to Build Capacity for Regional Conservation and Development (6) Combating Wildlife Trafficking in the Congo Basin (7) CBFP Perspectives and Strengthening COMIFAC Plan de Convergence (8) Charting the Future: a Horizon of New Initiatives by CBFP Partners (9) Additional Success Stories  of CBFP – Presentation of innovative field projects and grants successes (10) COMIFAC-China Dialogue  (11) Launch of the Roadmap of the Congo Basin Communicators ...

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Proceedings and documentation of 12th CBFP Meeting of Partners, Douala, Cameroon

Download all the presentations, official statements and general documents related to the 12th CBFP Meeting of  Partners 

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Proceedings and presentation of the CBFP Thematic Day in Douala on Gender Mainstreaming within COMIFAC - A gender strategy at the center of COMIFAC action plan

Participants at the Douala meeting enjoyed once again the great number of high-quality presentations allowing for better mutual understanding and informed discussions. Please mind that all the presentations and info notes have been edited in French. Please do not hesitate to contact the Facilitation, if you have any questions

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Proceedings of the Congo Basin REDD/Nagoya Day (Bujumbura 25 May 2011)

The 9th CBFP Regional Advisory Committee meeting revives interest in COMIFAC, CBFP and CEFDHAC - For a better coordination of REDD+ and APA initiatives in the Congo Basin – CBFP partners outline strong recommendations in Bujumbura - Press coffee: the media involved in the promotion of Cancun and Nagoya recommendations in Bujumbura

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Documentation: Visit of CBFP Facilitators to Yaoundé: Brief but Fruitful

A meeting on "Forest Research and Adaptation to Climate Change” was organised by the CBFP members in Yaoundé on 14 September 2011

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Rwanda Forest and Landscape Restoration: Stakeholder Consultative Meeting Outcomes Kigali, Rwanda 18th to 21st July

This document provides the main outcomes of the consultative meeting held to initiate discussions around a national programme on Forest & Landscape Restoration (FL&R) in Rwanda. The outcomes described here are intended as an initial set of issues and recommended strategies which will be further analyzed and defined during an in-depth programme planning process

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Proceedings and documentation of “State of Forest” (EDF) validation workshop, Douala (29-30 March 2011)

The COMIFAC workshop with the technical support of the Observatory for the Forests of Central Africa (OFAC) was a full success! “Rich” presentations with much more detailed inform on the technical issues of State of the forest 2010 preparedness in the Congo Basin

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Proceedings of the COMIFAC international Workshop on “forest governance and sustainable standards”, Kinshasa, RDC

The workshop under the patronage of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) met the needs to promote dialogue and sharing experiences and knowledge in a multi-stakeholder-setting. It explored synergies between forest relevant regulatory processes and market based voluntary standard initiatives in the Central African Region. This workshop was organized with the technical and financial support of GIZ on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Please find below the presentations for download.

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Proceedings and documentation of CCR 8 Kinshasa

Download all the presentations, official statements and general documents related to the 8th meeting of the CBFP Regional Consultative Committee in Kinshasa (27-28 September 2010)

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Documentation of the Support Program of the Global Mechanism of the United Nation’s Convention to Combat Desertification (GM/CCD) to member countries of the COMIFAC and of the CEEAC

After the adoption of the Sub-Regional Action Program (SRAP) » as the key operational tools to combat desertification (CD), the Global Mechanism signed a cooperation agreement on Support Program to the COMIFAC and CEEAC for resource mobilization and the implementation of the (SRAP) /(CD) in central Africa. This is to address the nexus between land and natural resource degradation, rural development and poverty reduction. Please find here the complete proceedings and presentations of the Global Mechanism Support Program for central Africa.

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CBFP Facilitation at Work: The CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany addresses all members of the Partnership...

Towards convergent views among the numerous CBFP members on the main international, regional and national issues related to the protection of biodiversity, sustainable forest management, the fight against climate change (effects), sustainable development and the well-being of the populations of the Congo Basin. Available for download: A letter from the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, the roadmap and his biography.

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Proceedings of the COMIFAC Workshop on “FLEGT - Policy instrument and technical implications”

The workshop presided by the CBFP Facilitation and COMIFAC met the needs to build up capacities of political and private actors on the various aspects of FLEGT. Please find below the presentations for download.

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COMIFAC workshop's documentation on REDD (Brazzaville, 2-4 February 2010)

The COMIFAC workshop with the support of OFAC, OSFAC, UN FAO, WRI, WWF, START and JRC was a full success! “Rich” presentations with much more detailed inform on the technical issues of REDD preparedness in the Congo Basin

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Proceedings of the 6th CBFP plenary meeting (Yaounde, 11-12 november 2009)

You will find a large part of the presentations and speeches issued during the plenary meeting on this site. Please bear with us that we could not tranlate them into English. Should you request any specific document that is not (yet) available on this site, please do not hesitate to contact the Facilitation.

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Proceedings and documentation of CCR 7 Douala

Please find below the English proceedings as well as the link to the French documentation

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Democratic Republic of Congo workshop on the post-conversion process of forest titles, (Kinshasa, 4-6th of March 2009)

In addition to the final communiqué published by the PFBC Facilitation and participant's recommendations published also as workshop communiqué, below, what we propose to you is the complete documentation (mostly available in french) of this workshop marked by the input from various stakeholders groups, and also a selection of essential documents aims to provide a basis for refining our understanding of the discussions in progress (decrees and articles, results of the Inter-ministerial Commission and the final report of the Independent observer)

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Background documents Congo Basin REDD Donor Dialogue (23 october 2008)

Please find below all background documents circulated prior to the meeting, presentations given by the participants and additional materials compiled as “annexes” to the meeting's summary

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Proceedings and presentation of the 6th CCR meeting in Brazzaville

Participants at the Brazzaville meeting enjoyed once again the great number of high-quality presentations allowing for better mutual understanding and informed discussions. Please mind that all the presentations and info notes have been edited in French.

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Research papers concerning sustainable financing of the Congo Basin forests

Please find below two research documents published by UNEP and by the British DFID , discussing sustainable financing and possible governance structures for the Congo Basin Forest Fund

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Proceedings of the IFIA Workshop for Dialogue (Libreville 22 mai 2008)

The Libreville workshop brought together Asian and other economic operators in the Central African region. Please find below the complete proceedings and presentations of the workshop

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COMIFAC Workshop on REDD (Paris, 10-14 March 2008)

The workshop, financed by the German and the French Cooperation and organised by the French Development Agency AFD in Paris, met Central African countries' need to build up capacities in order to continue their efforts in reducing emissions by deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in a future climate regime.

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Proceedings of the 5th CBFP -CCR meeting, Bangui (March 2008)

Highly placed on the agenda of this 5th meeting of the Regional Advisory Committee (CCR, Conseil Consultatif Régional), the first one organised by the new German facilitation: the presentation of the road map 2008-2009 and the launch of a discussion concerning stronger thematic synergies within the partnership

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Tunis Declaration, African Development Bank, Feburary 2008

Adopted during the conference on Financing Mechanisms for the Sustainable Management of the Congo Basin Forest Ecosystems (Tunis, 21. - 22.02.2008)

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