Key documents
Documents concerning CBFP's organization and structure
Resolution-54-214-Bassin-Congo.pdf (84.0 KiB)
Questions - Answers on CBFP Colleges and Council-EN.pdf (66.4 KiB)
CBFP Members - College member list-Fevrier-2018.pdf (563.5 KiB)
CBFP-Cooperation-Framework-adopted-in-November-2016-EN.pdf (57.2 KiB)
PFBC-cadre-de-cooperation-adopte-Novembre-2016.pdf (58.5 KiB)
Documents of the Kingdom of Belgium CBFP Facilitation
Documents of the European Union CBFP Facilitation
CBFP - EU Facilitation Road Map 2016-2017.pdf (94.1 Ko)
PFBC - Feuille de route de la Facilitation UE 2016-2017.pdf (110.2 Ko)
CBFP Annual Priorities - 2018-Final (EN).pdf (133.1 Ko)
CBFP Annual Priorities - Proposal-Final (FR).pdf (152.9 Ko)
CBFP Medium-Term Priorities - Fin (EN).pdf (140.1 Ko)
CBFP Medium-Term Priorities -Fin (FR).pdf (184.5 Ko)
Questions-Reponses-College-conseil-PFBC-FR.pdf (75.1 Ko)
CBFP Members - College member list-Fevrier-2018.pdf (563.5 Ko)
CBFP-Cooperation-Framework-adopted-in-November-2016-EN.pdf (57.2 Ko)
PFBC-cadre-de-cooperation-adopte-Novembre-2016.pdf (58.5 Ko)
Documents of the United States CBFP Facilitation
Documents of the Canadian Facilitation
Documents of the German facilitation
Documents concerning COMIFAC's intergouvernmental committment
Documents concerning COMIFAC's intergouvernmental committment
Yaoundé Declaration (1999) (French document)
The first Central African Heads of State Summit on Forests, which was held in March 1999 in Yaoundé (Cameroon), marked a turning point in the political agenda of the sub-region. During the Summit it was recognised that forest protection requires a regional approach and coordinated policies that extend beyond national boundaries. By signing the famous Yaoundé Declaration, the Heads of State expressed their joint committment to work towards the conservation and sustainable management of the Congo Basin Forests.
COMIFAC Treaty, Brazzaville (2005)
(document in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese)
The Treaty, signed by Presidents from Central Africa during the Second Heads of State Forest Summit, enhances the Central African states' committment towards joint action and recognizes the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) as the coordinating entity on forests for the Central African Region.
The Convergence Plan was developed and adopted during the Brazzaville Summit. It was revised and adopted in July 2014, during and extraordinary COMIFAC Ministers concil. The Convergence Plan outlines the planned actions for sustainable forest management and conservation in Central Africa, including regional, national and transboundary. The plan’s strategies include harmonising forest and tax policies, developing alternative forest activities, and reducing poverty through sustainable forestry livelihoods. CBFP members were allocated responsibility for leading and contributing to each theme at various levels.
Conventions and international agreements
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Convention on Climate Change sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate change. It recognizes that the climate system is a shared resource whose stability can be affected by industrial and other emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The Convention enjoys near universal membership, with 192 countries having ratified. It entered into force on 21 March 1994.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
The Rio conference has called on the United Nations General Assembly to establish an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INCD) to prepare, by June 1994, a Convention to Combat Desertification, particularly in Africa. The Convention was adopted in Paris on 17 June 1994 and opened for signature there on 14-15 October 1994. It entered into force on 26 December 1996, 90 days after the fiftieth ratification was received.
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
One of the key agreements adopted at 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro was the Convention on Biological Diversity. This pact among the vast majority of the world's governments sets out commitments for maintaining the world's ecological underpinnings as we go about the business of economic development. The Convention establishes three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources.
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
The Paris Declaration, endorsed on 2 March 2005, is an international agreement to which over one hundred Ministers, Heads of Agencies and other Senior Officials adhered and committed their countries and organisations to continue to increase efforts in harmonisation, alignment and managing aid for results with a set of monitorable actions and indicators.
Other important documents for CBFP
CBFF - Statement of Support to the Congo Basin Fund (June 2008)
Documents concerning the new institutional structure of CEFDHAC ( Conférence sur les Ecosystèmes de Forêts Denses et Humides d'Afrique Centrale)
The following documents have also been posted on CBFP's 's website in order to guarantee free access while the technical problems related to CEFDHAC's web domain persist.

The agreement has been adopted during the last ordinary session of COMIFAC's Council of Ministers hold in Bangui in September 2008. It defines CEFDHAC's role in the regional institutional environment as a multi-actors platform, whose organisational structure allows channelling ideas and initiatives to the regional decision-making body, which is the COMIFAC.

The governing articles presented in the document repeal any previsous disposal, in particular the one adopted in Kinshasa on June 12, 2002. They define the denomination, nature, objectives and time-span (Article I), the members (Article II), the constitutive bodies (Article 3), financial mechanisms (Article 4), and possibilities for collaboration with other subregional initiatives (Article 5).

The internal regulations and the procedure manual complement the new governing articles.

This organisational analysis has been carried out by a technical advisory group managed by SNV, in parallel to the participatory drafting process of the new governing articles and the convention for collaboration. It is meant to structure CEFDHAC's institutional reform and provides at the same time a very comprehensive and complete insight into the logical context.