Audio et Vidéo

You have  live audio and video and / or audio tapes of all free broadcast rights agreement which may  contribute to our efforts to conserve the Congo Basin Forests, send them to the following address :


The International Elephant Film Festival is jointly organized by the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival and the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) as part of the programme of World Wildlife Day 2016 to raise global awareness of the various challenges facing the African and Asian elephants. Winners will be announced on 3 March, the World Wildlife Day, at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Wildlife crime is a serious crime, as this joint EIA-WWF-TRAFFIC video demonstrates

African Wildlife Foundation: 15th CBFP meeting, should the bushmeat trade be legalized?

From 17 to 19 June 2015, the Yaounde Conference Center (Cameroon) provided the setting for the 15th Meeting of CBFP Partners – (Congo Basin Forest Partnership). The African Wildlife Foundation  and CIFOR hosted the working group on wildlife conservation and the related trade ...


African Wildlife Foundation: Walk for conservation of Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon - April 2015

By - From April 26 to 30, 2015, a team of protected species conservation specialists, three eco-guards from the Reserve and eight Baka load bearers crossed the dense forest area on foot from south to north.


REDD+ Academy launched - new video explains programme and includes interviews with REDD+ practitioners participating in first session

From concept to reality: UN-REDD Programme’s REDD+ Academy explained in new video –  Decision-makers from developing countries can now access capacity development for REDD+ readiness and implementation through the UN-REDD Programme’s REDD+ Academy.This short video illustrates how knowledge received by REDD+ Academy participants strengthens their capacity to push the REDD+ agenda in their countries and become “champions of change,” and features testimonials …


Forests: The Heart Of A Green Economy

Forests provide livelihoods for up to 1 billion people and contribute trillions of USD to the global economy through products and services. Yet in some regions, deforestation continues at an alarming rate. As REDD+ aims to address market, policy, and institutional failures that undervalue the climate change mitigation service provided by the forest ecosystem, while protecting the rights of those who rely on the forests, there are clear links between REDD+ objectives and green economy objectives, both of which call for a change in the business-as-usual economic development in order to slow the loss of natural capital. This short film feature examples from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia and Ecuador, highlighting the potential challenges and opportunities of including REDD+ in the transition to a green economy

Introducing REDD

A short explanatory film on REDD- which stands for: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in developing countries (In French).

The New York Declaration on Forests: 5 top forestry experts respond

On September 23rd 2014 at the United Nations summit on Climate change in New York, governments, companies and campaigners made a pledge to halt the loss of the world’s natural forests by 2030, halve the rate of deforestation by the end of this decade and to restore hundreds of millions of acres of degraded land.

In this video we give five top scientists - also meeting in New York for the Colloquium on Forests and Climate Change ( one minute each to give their first response to the declaration.

Justice and Conservation

Enforcing the law regarding poaching is the issue for this nine minute film that features the testimony of judges and police as well as poachers who have been convicted and have spent time in prison. The clear message from all of them is that those who kill protected species will be punished, the law enforcement community is taking these crimes very seriously and the consequences are severe.

Voices Of The Forest

Congolese villagers talk about climate change and the degradation of their environment, the hardships that these bring, and possible solutions for the future.

FIPAC 3 - Video: An advocacy for greater involvement of indigenous populations...

This short video was developed after the holding of the third edition of FIPAC 3, at Impfundo in Congo. It focuses on the involvement of indigenous populations in forthcoming programs in the Congo Basin...

Virunga - Official Trailer 2014

National Geographic : Confronting Threats to Virunga, Africa's Oldest Park - Rangers in new documentary risk their lives to protect the national park. As filmmaker Orlando von Einsiedel arrived in New York recently for the debut of Virunga, his new feature-length documentary, he turned on his phone to a slew of urgent messages. Seven thousand miles away, in the war-ravaged Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), unknown gunmen had ambushed and shot one of the film's main characters:

Congo Basin Forest Partnership – US CBFP Facilitation

Mama Tembo Tours- Western Lowland Gorilla & Forest Elephant Safari Central African Republi Safari to habituated western lowland gorillas in Dzanga-Ndoki NP, and forest elephants at Dzanga Bai, Central African Republic.

Gorillas of Dzanga : Documentary on the Disappearance of the Lowland Gorillas . 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here.  Baby & juvenile elephants playing in rain, Central Africa Republic. Up close encounters with Makumba, Central African Republic Oct 2008. Traditional net hunting with Ba'Aka, Central African Republic.  Lukuru Foundation, Democratic Republic of Congo Images captured at night will hopefully help illuminate the situation of forest elephants in- Up close to wild and habituated western lowland gorillas, Mbeli Bai, Mondika, Nouabale-Ndoki NP, Republic of Congo. Large forest elephant group in clearing. This video was taken in Lope National Park in July 2011. We encountered these elephants late in the evening when the sun had already set and we were returnin. Congo Gorilla Safari Part 1


Climate Protection in the Congo Basin | Global 3000 - The climate of central Africa is determined in the seemingly endless forests of the Congo Basin. The region in the heart of Africa has been called the earth's second-largest green lung, after the Amazon.

Sangha Trinational is a joint conservation and park complex monitored by Cameroon, the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo. It's an attempt to preserve as much nature as possible for both humans and animals. Patrols pursue poachers and protect tree stocks. There are also plans to extend the infrastructure for sustainable tourism. Global 3000 home page:


United for Wildlife: Les princes William et Charles, appellent à la défense des éléphants

LONDRES - Le prince Charles et son fils William ont lancé un appel, dans une vidéo publiée dimanche, pour sauver les espèces menacées comme les éléphants.
Ce double appel royal intervient à quelques jours d'une grande conférence organisée par le gouvernement


The Congo Basin: State of the Forest

The Congo Basin forests are a lifeline for more than 60 million people -- providing food and income for many remote communities, storing huge amounts of carbon, supporting unique ecosystems …


Congo, Quo Vadis: the Researcher and the Farmer

More than 60 percent of forests in the Congo River Basin—the world's second-largest tract of tropical rainforest after the Amazon—grow within the borders of DRC, where new research is being conducted to improve forest management....


Interview with Ofir Drori, LAGA - A Champion wildlife crime opponent awarded top WWF honors : 

Registered in December 2002 by Israeli born Ofir Drori, LAGA was established as the very first wildlife law enforcement NGO in Africa dedicated to working with the governments of Central and West Africa to infiltrate and bring to justice the criminal gangs responsible for the rampant illegal wildlife trade. LAGA focuses on threatened species and criminal rings of wildlife dealers primarily responsible for the illegal bushmeat business, the ivory trade and the smuggling of wild live wild animals for the exotic 'pet' industry.Today LAGA is respected by conservationists worldwide and has an impressive conviction rate, securing the prosecution of a major wildlife trafficker every week. With an unprecedented success rate of 87% - 97%, and many illicit dealers now behind bars, this effort is helping protect great apes, other primates, elephants and many more species where they belong in the wild. LAGA's model of establishing law enforcement networks is being replicated in four more countries in West/Central Africa. It is for this Herculean effort that LAGA and Ofir Drori are being recognised today.

Projet COBAM - Une lueur d'espoir pour Lukoléla

Lukolela est une zone affaiblie par les aléas climatiques et la pauvreté et qui porte encore les traumatismes de la guerre civile. Aider les populations à faire face au changement climatique dans leur région, tels sont les objectifs du CIFOR-COBAM

Peter Cronkleton on Customary and Defined Property Rights

Smallholder production systems and markets.


Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation

CIFOR hosted the workshop - Linking Great Ape Conservation and Poverty Alleviation, in January 2012. Great ape practitioners from Africa and Asia joined to discuss best practices and lessons learned in great ape conservation and its importance in mechanisms like REDD+ and for eco-tourism. participants visited Central Kalimantan to several orangutan conservation and research areas.


Empty Forests: Researching bushmeat in the Congo

Bushmeat is a crucial source of protein for forest dwellers -- but the animals are disappearing.