Traffic: Ground-breaking study highlights scale of Africa-Asia wildlife trade

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Pretoria, South Africa, 5th March 2018—More than 1.3-million live animals and plants, 1.5-million skins and two thousand tonnes of meat from CITES-listed species have been exported from 41 African countries to East and Southeast Asia since 2006, a ground-breaking new TRAFFIC report funded by Arcadia[1] and published today reveals.
Exports included 975 different taxa listed under either CITES[2] Appendix I (most endangered) or Appendix II (not necessarily threatened with extinction, but may become so unless trade is closely controlled).
In recent years, the focus on wildlife trade from Africa has centred on the illegal trade and the devastating onslaught on iconic species like elephants and rhinos. Comparatively little attention has been given to legal wildlife trade from the continent—until now.
This report, Eastward Bound[3], is the first of its kind and endeavours to shed light on legal trade trends, the diversity of species and countries involved, and new patterns emerging. It provides a comprehensive overview of legal trade from Africa to East and Southeast Asia and includes detailed regional and country analyses.
“Until now the legal wildlife trade between Africa and Asia has been largely overlooked but TRAFFIC’s new study aims to fill in some of the blanks in our understanding of this vast, complex and legitimate intercontinental exchange of natural resources,” said Willow Outhwaite, co-author of the study.
The report highlights significant changes and trends between 2006 and 2015, the most recent decade for which a fairly complete CITES trade dataset is available. Trade reported to CITES so far by member states for 2016 and 2017 has also been analysed to identify emerging patterns.
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