UNFCCC workshops facilitate further action towards 2015 global climate agreement
After three days of focused discussion, several key issues central to negotiations towards the 2015 global climate agreement have been further elaborated.
The Joint Workshops on the Framework for Various Approaches (FVA), Non-Market-Based Approaches (NMA) and the New Market-based Mechanism (NMM), were held in Bonn, Germany from 7-9 October. Mandated by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), the workshops were intended to clarify key issues and options to be discussed on each of these three work programmes at the November UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland.
Highlights from the discussions in each of the work programmes include:
♦ On NMAs, participants analysed how the contribution of such approaches to achieving the objective of the Convention can be further advanced;
♦ On the NMM, elements of the work programme were discussed as well as the modalities and procedures and the role of the NMM in relation to other.
mechanisms and approaches under the Convention
♦ On the FVA, participants elaborated options for defining environmental integrity, avoiding double counting and institutional arrangements.
Discussions also addressed possibilities to define the purpose and scope as fundamental elements for the framework in Warsaw.
Three reports, one from each workshop, will be issued in the coming weeks and made available for consideration at SBSTA 39. The co-facilitator summaries, identifying possible areas of convergence and areas for further discussion, will also be made available on the UNFCCC website.
More than 110 countries and 16 observer organizations attended the workshops. Thanks to the assistance of donors, specifically Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, the European Commission and the UK, all Parties eligible for funding were offered financial support to attend.
For more information on the workshops, including submissions, technical synthesis papers, presentations, workshop reports and summaries, visit: HERE
For the opening statement made by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, visit: HERE
For more Information, please consult: Mrs. Irini Roumboglou <iroumboglou@unfccc.int> , Communications Officer, Sustainable Development Mechanisms, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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