TRAFFIC: Main conclusions of the workshop on ‘strengthening the national process for controlling illegal logging and the related trade’
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As part of implementation of the MINFOF/OIBT/TRAFFIC project funded by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), two successive training sessions were held in Kribi under the theme strengthening the national process for controlling illegal logging and the related trade. The first one which took place on March 4 targeted Ministry of Finance staff (Customs and PSRF) while the second, which was held on March 6, was intended for the forces of law and order (police & gendarmerie) and the Justice Department. The training sessions had the following objectives:
♦ To inform participants of project objectives and expected outcomes;
♦ Discuss with and train targets at grassroots level on various modules;
♦ Educate and train MINFI staff and the forces of law and order on the conduct of logging done in contravention to international/national laws (illegal logging) and its impact on the national economy;
♦ Collect views and input from MINFI staff and the forces of law and order for efficient forest law enforcement and to strengthen efforts against illegal logging.
Moderated by Mr. EMADOUAN Clément, Assistant Research Officer at the Department of Forests (Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife), the national training workshops were articulated around presentations conducted in two phases and group work.
Concerning presentations, the first phase which mainly served as an introduction to the core topic was conducted by the Independent Observer. It centered on:
♦ the three-fold technical assistance mission to MINFOF ;
♦ observation during field missions organized in close collaboration with the Bureau National de Contrôle (BNC) ;
♦ training /capacity building (seminar/workshops, publications, etc.) ;
♦ the OI’s results.
The second segment of presentations was done by consultants who had been involved in developing the training course contents. This second phase of presentations aimed to draw comments from participants in order to enhance the course drafts comprising 06 modules namely:
♦ Module 1: “Forest law and regulations governing the forestry sector in Cameroon”;
♦ Module 2 : “Tracking of logging operations and the monitoring system in Cameroon”;
♦ Module 3 : “The role of customs in enforcing forest regulations”;
♦ Module 4 : “The role of the National Security Department in enforcing forest regulations”;
♦ Module 5 : “The role of the National Gendarmerie in enforcing forest regulations”;
♦ Module 6 : “The role of the Justice Department in enforcing forest regulations”.
Following the presentations, the participants met in break-out groups to reflect, examine and enhance the content of the modules. Three groups were thus formed for each session as follows:
During the first session, the groups worked on:
♦ Modules 1 and 2 ;
♦ Modules 4 and 5;
♦ Modules 3 and 6.
And during the second session, the groups focused on:
♦ Module 4 ;
♦ Module 5;
♦ Module 6.
At the end of the group sessions, the ensuing plenary discussions came up with strong recommendations addressed to the consultants in order to improve the content of the training modules.
With the recommendations, the two workshops came to a close. Participants did not fail to express their enthusiasm and commitment to be actively involved in forest law enforcement.
For more information on the purport of the recommendations, please consult the final communiqué of the national workshops below:
Please download:
Image credits: FMO, Justice © TRAFFIC
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