August 2014 - CBFP Partner of the Month: TRAFFIC - Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network


Since it opened its Central Africa office in 2008, TRAFFIC has conducted a range of activities which have yielded results and achievements, some of which are listed as followed:  Inventories and verifications of national ivory stocks ...assessing legality of forest operations, timber processing and trade...PAPECALF, Capacity building of more than 2000 staff ...ETIS...SYVBAC..Training Kit...Framework for Assessing/Verifying legality of forest operations, timber processing and trade...




TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, is the leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

TRAFFIC’s mission is to ensure that the use and trade in wild plants and animals are legal and sustainable and are not a threat to the conservation of nature. 

TRAFFIC's vision is of a world where wildlife trade is: managed in a way that maintains healthy wildlife populations and ecosystems; contributes to meeting human needs; supports local and national economies; and helps motivate commitments to conserve wild species and habitats.


 TRAFFIC worldwide


TRAFFIC was established in 1976 and employs approximately 120 staff members of more than 25 nationalities, based in 30 countries.  They are organised in seven regional teams 2 in Africa, 3 in Asia, 2 in America , 1 in Europe, and a headquarters office in Cambridge  (UK).


TRAFFIC works through six key programs:


1        Flagship species

The program targets endangered species especially elephants, rhinoceros, great apes and tigers.   It aims to enhance capacity and technical support to state law enforcement agencies and works to reduce demand in Asia. 

2        Wild Animals for Food and Medecine

Under this program,  TRAFFIC works to promote the use of strategies and tools at the national  and regional level in order to strengthen trade monitoring ; foster more stringent law enforcement in order to curtail the illegal trade ; encourage the uptake of sustainable management practices where harvesting is legal.

3        Forestry

The program seeks to support multilateral efforts to foster the development of national timber legality frameworks for timber harvesting and trading and to identify and stop illegal timber trade flows. 

4        Medicinal and aromatic plants

The aim of this program is to encourage and support sustainable and fair supply of wild plant products, including the use of the FairWild Standard (A Standard which guarantees that medicinal plants and other plant and/or fungal products are harvested and processed in a socially and ecologically responsible manner).

5        Pets and fashion

Under the Pets and Fashion program, TRAFFIC seeks to develop best practices-based approaches to ensure that the trade complies with legality and CITES transparency requirements and is carried out sustainably.

6        Fishing:

The fishing program aims to reduce Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU) by promoting responsible fisheries management practices. 


TRAFFIC in Central Africa 


TRAFFIC opened its Central Africa office in May 2008.  TRAFFIC Central Africa’s headquarters is located in Yaounde, Cameroon. TRAFFIC’s activities in Central Africa are conducted in the 10 Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) countries: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Chad,São Tomé-et-Príncipe, Burundi and Rwanda.


TRAFFIC’s objectives and activities in Central Africa fall in line with its overall mission based on a constructive approach and effective collaboration with the CITES Secretariat (with which it has been working for over 30 years), governments, professional organizations, NGOs, the private sector, civil society representatives and a host of other partners including the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission. 

Some of TRAFFIC’s achievements in Central Africa:


Since 2008, TRAFFIC has conducted a range of activities in Central Africa which have yielded results and achievements, some of which are listed below:  



  • Inventories and verifications of national ivory stocks in Gabon and Central African Republic at the request of the respective governments. 


  • Elaboration of the Common framework for assessing legality of forest operations, timber processing and trade, in collaboration with the Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN).

♦  Provision of technical support to COMIFAC in drafting, adopting and implementing the COMIFAC countries’ Sub-regional Action Plan for Strengthening National Wildlife Law Enforcement (PAPECALF) 2012-2017.

♦  Capacity building of more than 2000 staff from forestry and wildlife law enforcement agencies.

♦  Production of the first French manual on the implementation of the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) under CITES (ETIS Manual: ETIS programme on monitoring of the illegal trade in ivory and other products of the African elephant: Loxodonta africana as a tool for protecting elephants.

♦  Development and implementation of a Central African System Bushmeat Monitoring System, Central Monitoring System (French acronym: SYVBAC).

♦  Production of a Training Kit on forest legislation and law enforcement.

♦ Development of the ‘Framework for Assessing/Verifying legality of forest operations, timber processing and trade in Cameroon, definition of indicators, verifiers and legal notes’.



For more information please visit TRAFFIC on:


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♦ MANUEL ETIS: Le programme ETIS de suivi du commerce illégal de l'ivoire et autres produits de l'éléphant d'Afrique Loxodonta africana comme outil de protection de l'éléphant au Cameroun par Germain Ngandjui et Stéphane Ringuet


♦ Développement d’un système de suivi de la filière ―viande de brousse‖ en Afrique Centrale: SYVBAC


♦ Framework[ - Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations Timber Processing and Trade Annex

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