GCF accreditation self-assessment tool
What is the purpose of this questionnaire?
This self-assessment tool for accreditation has been put in place to define the minimum requirements for an institution to be accredited to receive funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
How will it be useful?
By answering questions, potential candidates get an idea of the accreditation process. This allows them to quickly check if their organization is ready to start the GCF accreditation process. Each question is accompanied by additional information clearly explaining GCF conditions and standards they must comply with if they want to start accreditation process.
Who should answer the questionnaire?
Any organization or institution seeking accreditation from the GCF, as well as any entity supporting or wishing to understand the accreditation process, such as Designated National Authorities (DNAs).
Are there other explanatory documents with more details on the accreditation process?
Organizations or institutions are invited to consult the accreditation request form (pdf), including examples of supporting documents to be submitted, for better understanding of information required for an accreditation application.
What will happen to the answers given?
Answering the questionnaire is a voluntary and anonymous act. There is no connection between the participant and the questionnaire he completed. In other words, the data will not be passed on to third parties. However, in order to ensure anonymity, the participants in the survey do not enter in the text fields of the questionnaire data likely to lead to conclusions concerning individuals.
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