Twenty years on... A new enhanced edition of "securing land tenure"

From "land sparing" to "land sharing"? Managing overlapping land rights in dense and humid African forests
Karthala has picked a few of its seminal works from the last few years for fresh publication. The book, "Securing land tenure in Africa, for natural resource management" published in 1996, which includes among others, Etienne Le Roy’s famous chapter on the theory of land tenure, had been out of print for several years. The new edition has been expanded with three new short chapters contributed by each of the book’s scientific publishers.
In 1996, the "Land tenure and forest management" chapter of the book discussed the chosen management style for humid forests in Africa based on specialization and dissociation of land. The concept of "exclusive" community forests then under development in Cameroon, which were strictly separated from industrial concessions and protected areas, seemed ill suited to the concrete modes of space and resource use applied by local populations.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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