TRIDOM: Proposed classification of TRIDOM transborder biosphere underway!


For more information on the findings of the feasibility study and the validation workshop, various reports may be viewed at the links below:


TRIDOM-Rapport-Etude de faisabilite RBT Tridom 5 - FV.pdf (9.5 Mo)

TRIDOM-Rapport-final-atelier-validation-EF_RBTTridom.pdf (389.0 Ko


This step comes after the signing of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between Cameroon, Congo and Gabon in 2005, to establish the Dja-Odzala-Minkébé (TRIDOM) tri-national transborder complex, covering a surface area of close to 150,000 km² or 7.5% of the Congo Basin. With multiple threats facing the complex, UNESCO undertook to support this cooperative action by initiating a feasibility study for the establishment of a transborder biosphere reserve in the TRIDOM.


To mark this step forward process, a workshop was held in Yaoundé on 12 and 13 December 2013 to review and validate the results of the feasibility study.


The meeting drew close to 20 people from sub-regional organizations (COMIFAC), UN Agencies (UNESCO, UNOPS), representatives of administration in charge of protected area management in the three countries encompassed by the TRIDOM (Cameroon, Congo and Gabon), Conservators of the Dja and Odzala, of the three existing biosphere reserves in the TRIDOM, representatives of regional projects: UNOPS / TRIDOM project, national and international Non-Governmental Organizations: ICA, WWF, IUCN and representatives of local communities.


For two days, the participants listened keenly to presentations on:


¨     The workshop objectives,

¨     the findings of the feasibility study for the establishment of a TBR in the TRIDOM area,

¨     biosphere reserves and the question of zoning.

From the fruitful discussions that ensued, they came up with strong recommendations addressed to various entities, including:

1.  The consultant

♦ That a checklist of criteria be established to draw a clear distinction between satisfactory and unsatisfactory features,

¨      To consider the cultural heritage as Value Added to the RBT TRIDOM.

2. To the Gabonese government

¨     Clarify the status of the Ipassa Makokou Biosphere Reserve.

3. On the issue of zoning

3.1. To the UNOPS-TRIDOM Project and UNESCO:

¨     Further engage all stakeholders including sectoral players, the private sector, local communities ... in order to build a genuine "win-win" partnership;

¨     Continue zoning (land allocation) activities initiated, drawing on the zoning model applied in the Pendjari biosphere reserve in Benin;

¨      Continue actions to network the different segments.


3.2. To Member States

¨     Include the proposed creation of a TRIDOM TBR on the agenda of multidisciplinary national agency teams;


¨     Consider all PAs of the TRIDOM as central nuclei of the future TRIDOM TBR, taking into account the Seville criteria on buffer zones and transition areas;


¨     Envisage as part of negotiations with concession holders and local communities, the inclusion of clearings and key corridors as buffer zones;


¨     Take into account the Seville criteria in the development / review of management plans for biosphere reserves and local development plans.


4. Advocacy to enhance information and awareness on the establishment of the TBR



Strengthen the capacities of National MAB Committees in advocacy, directed towards policy-makers and authorities in charge of sectors. This would be conditional on the National MAB Committees being operational.


Before the end of the workshop, participants adopted a roadmap incorporating elements discussed that are necessary for the establishment of a transborder biosphere within the TRIDOM landscape. The roadmap outlines planned actions with execution timeframes as well as officials in charge of various aspects.

The speeches which brought the meeting to a close expressed the stakeholders’ determination to see the process achieve tangible results.

For more information on the findings of the feasibility study and the validation workshop, various reports may be viewed at the links below:





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