RRI Dialogue Bulletin
Summary of the Eighteenth Rights and Resources Initiative: Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change – Forest Tenure, Restoration Aand Green Growth...
On 26 October 2015, the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) hosted its 18th Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change in Washington, DC, US.
Over 70 participants took part in four separate panel discussions, featuring key representatives from governmental, non-governmental, intergovernmental, Indigenous Peoples’ and research organizations.
The Dialogue focused on the theme of “Status of Community Land Rights and the Role of Climate Finance on the Eve of the Paris Agreement.” In the morning, participants engaged in a panel discussion on taking stock of the recognition of land rights and the agenda for Paris. Participants considered the global baseline on indigenous and community land rights followed by Indigenous Peoples’ proposals and recommendations for Paris, as well as rights and tenure in the Paris agreement. A second panel focused on the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund (CF) and challenges and opportunities to secure community rights.
In the afternoon, panel discussions addressed climate finance, and support for tenure recognition, and the way forward on tenure rights in climate policy, financing and action.
Many participants agreed that climate change presents an opportunity to create policies for the robust recognition of community-based tenure. Find out more...
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