SNOIE: Summaries of independent external observation reports - Cameroon

Please download: La Synthèse de tous ces rapports d’OI produits via les procédures du SNOIE
From December 2017 to May 2018, Cameroonian civil society member organizations of the Coordination of the Standardized of Independent External Observation System (SNOIE), conducted a total of five independent external observation missions to report alleged cases of illegal logging in forests of the national domain and those covered by legally assigned titles.
The missions were conducted in the villages of Doumo-Mama (Messaména sub-division, Upper-Nyong division in the East region); Bidi (Ngambè-Tikar sub-division); in and around Ngoum, INA, Manja, Wassaba and Oue ( NgambéTikar and Yoko sub-divisions, Mbam and Kim division, Center region); Mbandjock, Dingombi, Ikonde, Mapoubi and Ngwei2 ( Ngwei and Pouma sub-divisions, Sanaga Maritime division, LIttoral region - Cameroon), Makoure I and its surroundings (Lokoundjé sub-division, Ocean division, the South region of Cameroon).
Resources required for the conduct of the missions were raised within the framework of the following projects: ''Citizens’ voices for change: forest observation in the Congo Basin'' (CV4C Project), implemented with the financial support of the European Union (EU), partners of the project and "Community-based real time forest monitoring" (RTM project).
For this six-month period, reports were produced by the following organizations: Forests and Rural Development (FODER), the “Supporting Farming and Biodiversity conservation around protected areas in Cameroon” Project (PAPEL) and the Center for Alternative Local Development (CEDLA).
Please download the document below: Summaries of all the IO reports produced through SNOIE procedures
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