REDD +: REFADD strengthens its capacities for pilot project development
As part of implementation of a sub-component of the Regional REDD + COMIFAC Project and of the "Supporting the participation of civil society in the sustainable management of forest ecosystems through consultation platforms in landscapes, actors’ networks, CEFDHAC national and sub-regional fora " Project, the African Women's Network for Sustainable Development (REFADD) with IUCN support, hosted a Trainers’ Training workshop on REDD + pilot project development from September 15 to 18, 2014 in Douala, Cameroon.
Twenty people took part in the workshop including members of the network and partners’ representatives. The workshop aimed to promote the popularization of REDD + among women's rural communities, as a fitting strategy for sustainable development in African countries, within the framework of the implementation of the Gender-based REDD + and Climate Change adaptation strategy.
Over four days of training, participants listened to presentations dealing with:
• The REDD + mechanism and reminders;
• Project development: practical aspects of the development of a REDD + Project;
• steps in the design / development of a REDD + project (context analysis, delineation of project area, key stakeholders, socio-economic analyses, etc.);
• How to conduct a baseline and evaluation of REDD + options (AKAMANDA-MONE experience);
• Project scenario - Evaluation of project scenario: payments and standards-related requirements.
As a result of this training course which was highly commended by the participants, the latter had their capacities for project development strengthened and pledged to cascade the lessons learned down to their respective organizations and rural women’s organizations under their care. The workshop came to a close with the presentation of training certificates and educational material.
For more information on the conduct of the workshop, please consult the workshop report below:
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