RAPAC: Takeover at RAPAC Executive Secretariat
Mr. Sébastien Luc Kamga Kamdem took office as the new Executive Secretary of the Central African Protected Areas Network (RAPAC), on Monday, March 31, 2014 in the meeting room of the OAB building which houses the Institution’s headquarters.
The power transfer follows the end of term of office of outgoing Executive Secretary, Jean -Pierre Agnangoye and the appointment of the current Executive Secretary during the XXIIIth Session of the Board of Directors held on March 13, 2014 in Libreville.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Forestry, Environment and Protection of Natural Resources and the ECCAS Secretary General, technical and financial partners of RAPAC, staff of the Executive Secretariat and programs it implements. Highlights included the signing of the handover minutes, a speech by the RAPAC Personnel Delegate and the respective addresses of the outgoing and incoming Executive Secretaries.
Before the closing ceremony, gifts were presented to Jean- Pierre Agnangoye in recognition of his work in establishing the Network (May 2004 - February 2014) on the one hand, and on the other hand, to the newly promoted Mr. Sébastien Luc Kamga Kamdem.
For further information, please see the RAPAC website: site web du RAPAC
Please download below:
Communiqué du RAPAC
Allocution du Secrétaire Exécutif entrant
Allocution du Sécretaire Exécutif sortant
Picture credits: RAPAC
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