A nursery which will raise the next generation climate negotiators is born in Yaounde
Please download the press release below:
(1.0 Mo) communique COP CHEZ NOUS 2019 final 10oct 2019 (2).pdf
From 8 to 10 October 2019, the conference room of the Yaoundé Chamber of Agriculture hosted the sub-regional training workshop for youths and female leaders and climate negotiators in view of COP 25, entitled: “Time for Action – Gender and Climate Finance” which will take place in Santiago, Chile.
Held under the patronage of the Minister of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Cameroon, the workshop was organized with the financial support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation.
The workshop aimed primarily to:
- Build the capacities of the representatives of youth and women’s organizations of the Central African countries to take part in COPs: current challenges: on NDCs and the concepts of gender and climate finance;
- Build the capacities of youth and women to develop attractive projects related to gender and climate finance.
- Identify bankable and collaborative projects in the area of gender and climate finance.
Close to a hundred participants representing the 10 COMIFAC countries attended in addition to young leaders from the ten regions of Cameroon, experts, technical and financial partners, namely: COMIFAC, MINEPDED, MINFOF, OFAC, PFBC, REFADD, RECEIAC, SEEAC, CPR CEFDHAC, PIRAAD, KONRAD ADENAUER STIFTUNG, RAEED, GVC ; AFFEBY ; AFCD, ONED, member organizations and networks of REJEFAC, the REJEFAC Executive Secretariat Team of the AJVC, volunteers and students, observer NGOs and the media. The meeting was moderated by Mr. Eugene Messina, RERAC Coordinator (French-speaking) and Mr. TAKAM Bison of Radio 7 News (English-speaking) and the reporting was done by a team set up for that purpose.
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