UICN: Hawai'i, a natural choice

In many ways, Hawai’i is a natural choice to host the 2016 IUCN World Congress. The islands have much to teach us. Many of them have created innovative and financially interesting approaches in the area of conservation, notably through partnerships and regional cooperation.
Hawai'i in particular shows the way in the field of conservation, with sustainability targets set at State level and an integrated approach to facilitating green growth. The islands require our attention. Bringing the IUCN Congress in this Island of the Pacific highlights the climate vulnerability of island nations, peoples and ecosystems. The islands will be in the limelight during the 2016 IUCN Congress, with pavilions on the "Oceans & Islands" and "Hawaiʻi-Pacific" and a high level dialogue on oceans and numerous events focused on islands.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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