Outputs from the Development & Mitigation Forum

Over one hundred delegates, working mostly on climate change mitigation in the global south attended the event. The objective was to build an understanding of how developing countries can effectively internalise mitigation activities into their development priorities and approaches. The DEVMIT IDEAS KIT provides an entry point into the wealth of ideas that emerged from various sessions and discussions. It is in the format of a magazine-style pdf document, which is hyperlinked to papers, presentations, blogs and videos on the website. Find the brief at http://www.mapsprogramme.org/wp-content/uploads/DevMit_IdeaKit_web.pdf
To include development priorities into the discussion at the Forum, nine South African development experts 'Development Provocateurs' were invited to participate. Their reflections on the discourse over the three days, encourage us to reconsider our mitigation ‘community of practice’ and its norms, assumptions, framings and objectives from the outside. The DEVMIT PROVOCATEUR BRIEFINGS captures these reflections, and we trust it makes for an interesting and thought-provoking read. Find the brief at http://www.mapsprogramme.org/wp-content/uploads/DevMit_ProvocateurBriefing_140317.pdf
Further information on the Forum and its other outputs can be found online at http://devmitforum.ercresources.org.za
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