14th CBFP Meeting of Partners- Experience "Innovation Alley- Showcasing successful projects" as though you were there...


The Innovation Alley is an exciting, participation-fueled experience where you can quickly join a number of presentations in a short timeframe.  The approach is similar to speed-dating.


Seventeen organizations make brief presentations of their projects to small groups of participants. The Innovation Alley is a kind of springboard for discussing a number of successful programs that promote sustainable development in the Congo Basin.

The following groups made ​​presentations during the 14th CBFP Meeting of Partners in Brazzaville during the Innovation Alley.


Please find available below for download the presentations of "innovators" at the 14th CBFP Meeting of Partners:


1. Eco-agriculture: Cocoa and Low Emissions Livelihoods, SNV

image/jpeg RDP14-SNV-Innovation-Poster.jpg (117.0 KiB)


2. 2013 State of the Forests Report, OFAC


3. State of the Apes Publication, Arcus Foundation


4. Land Use Atlas for the Congo Basin, GIZ


5. Global Forest Watch Uses and Potential for Congo Basin, WRI


6. Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change,RRI


7. DRC Ibi REDD+ Experience, Olivier Mushiete


8. Ituri LUP/REDD+ Project, Jean Remy Makana, WCS


9. Development of value chains in the B-Adapt project, CUSO


9. Development of value chains in the B-Adapt project, RAFM

The following recommendations were made by visitors to our stand:

• Diversify the range of derivative products / kits obtained from the conversion of wood residues (pens, flash drives, etc.);
• Ease labeling of all of these products;
• Encourage women in Model Forests to scale-up and promote Moabi and Shea butter which are highly valued for their numerous therapeutic and nutritional properties;
• Work to improve the packaging quality of certain products as it heavily influences purchase decisions;
• Step up production of aphrodisiacs to meet strong demand from participants in various CBFP meetings


10. MRV Project, FAO-CBFF-COMIFAC, Cleto Ndikumageng




12. Dja Regional REDD+ Project, Center for Tropical Research, Cameroon CTR-CAM


13. UniREDD Achievements, Bandundu-DRC, J.J. Bambuta


14. TFT-Centre of Social Excellence: Community Forest Management, Florence Bianen

application/pdf RDP14-P14-2-brochure CES.pdf (560.0 KiB)

The following emerged from the presentation and ensuing discussions: 

♦ The Centre for Social  Excellence (CSE) is a framework for providing Congo Basin youth and businesses with more than professional training; it provides expertise that allows them to capitalize good practices in sustainable management that is socially fair, while ensuring the full involvement of local communities in the management of their land.
♦ After five years of existence, the Congo Basin youth trained by the Centre of Social Excellence have helped strengthen sustainable management of natural resources in almost all sectors (forestry, agribusiness, mining and oil)
♦ The CSE is a laudable initiative which deserves  to be supported by other partners


15. Innovation in Human Resource Development -  “A key to good governance of the green sector” -  Henrike Hilgenfeld - MECNT-PBF

Conclusion: The indispensability of good governance in HR management for sustainable development of the green sector.


16. Community forest sustainability: Co-management of logging operations in a model timber project in Maniema Province, DRC, Raphael Barbiche, PBF –MECNT

The main recommendation is to continue formalizing this model so that it can be extended to the DRC, of course; and why not beyond also, by tailoring it to the regulatory context of each target country.


17. L'harmonisation régionale comme seule vecteur du développement des pays: faut-il, sur le foncier, préférer un traité ou un consensus régional ou une loi nationale?  FPAE


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Innovation Alley Program Format

  • Presenters will be speaking at a circle of tables in the meeting room. - 7 Min each circle. Each presenter has about 4 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes allocated for questions. The main objective for this session is to allow participants acquaint themselves with the selected themes without in-depth discussions during plenary as this can be done later along the corridors or during side meetings by interested parties.
  • Guests will be divided into groups assigned to different tables.
  • When the moderator calls, “Go!” the presentations start.


Presenters will describe the project’s work through a story or anecdote.  They might show some photos or posters; and they will leave around two minutes after their presentation for questions.


At the end of five minutes, the moderator counts down from 10 and then calls out “Stop! Switch!” and the groups rotate clockwise to the next table, where they hear the next five minute presentation.  This process continues for an hour, at the end of which each group will have heard 8-10 presentations.


It is important that all participants stick with their group during the formal Innovation Alley sessions. After cycling through all the presenters, there will be time at the end to walk around and question tech groups they did not get to hear from, or go back to tables to pursue more in depth discussion.


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