CIFOR-Implementing REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in the Congo Basin: Review of projects, initiatives and opportunities for synergies
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This report presents the state of progress of projects and initiatives to promote adaptation and REDD+ in the Congo Basin region and it analyses opportunities for synergies or trade-off between the two strategies. 94 national programs and activities on the ground related to REDD+ and 11 on adaptation have been identified in six countries of the Congo Basin.
The emerging landscape of climate change projects is quite complex and is mainly rooted in historical approaches. Opportunities for funding exists but are not seized; most of the projects are at an early stage with more emphasize on REDD+ than on adaptation, due to uncertainties about spatiotemporal patterns of risk occurrence, lack of clear adaptation solutions. Some other reasons are linked to insufficient political support or lack of interest for the issue amongst project managers. Adaptation to climate change is rather diffuse in development approach and does not benefit of national structuring framework as REDD+ does.
Among REDD+ initiatives, there are 1) local demonstration activities that directly aim to reduce carbon emission from deforestation, forest degradation, and sustainable forest management and increase carbon stocks, and 2) readiness activities that try to create an enabling framework for countries to participate in REDD+ deals and develop strategies accordingly. Adaptation to climate change and REDD+ evolves as two parallel and similar processes. Potential for synergies among the two processes exists but are not fully recognized yet. Thus transformational changes are needed to increase the integration of adaptation and mitigation in the current climate portfolio. In particular, there is a need for tools, information and knowledge to support decision makers to harmonizing climate policies.
For more Information, please check website: HERE
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