The Republic of COngo Participate at the International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA2015) Local Governments Driving Transformation
Summary Highlights of the Meeting - The International Conference on Climate Action: Local Governments Driving Transformation (ICCA2015) began today in Hanover, Germany, with opening speeches delivered by: Stefan Wenzel, Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Mitigation, Lower Saxony, Germany; Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Germany's Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB); Philippe Etienne, Ambassador of France to Germany; Henri Djombo, Minister for Sustainable Development, Forestry Economy and the Environment, Republic of Congo; and Joan Clos, Executive Director, UN-Habitat...
A panel on ‘Climate Diplomacy’ convened in the afternoon with representatives of federal and local governments, academia and youth. A mini simulation of the climate negotiations was held in conjunction with the panel, with participants representing countries and offering emission reduction commitments.
A ‘Climate Neighborhoods’ exhibit opened in the afternoon, allowing participants to explore projects from municipalities, schools, networks and research institutions. The exhibit’s programme today featured a ‘Science Lab’ on research originating from the state of Lower Saxony.
Twelve workshops took place throughout the day under six clusters: agents of change; governance; finance; infrastructure; ecosystems; and networks and groups.
In the evening, representatives of German city and district networks spoke during a roundtable on ‘Local Climate Action at its Best.’ Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary, BMUB, delivered a keynote address and introduced the Climate Action Award for Local Government 2015, which honors German cities and districts for climate action in three categories: Cooperation; Energy and Climate Management; and Participation. The nine winners were awarded €25,000 each.
For more, please consult the Full Article under the following Link: International Conference on Climate Action: Local Governments Driving Transformation (ICCA2015)
Images credits: IISD
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