IISD: Fiftieth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) and Associated Sessions of the Four Committees - Yokohama, Japan
For more information, please consult the Summary of the IISD: Highlights IISD
On the last day of the fiftieth session of the International Tropical Timber Council, delegates discussed at length, and into the evening, how to proceed with the election of the next ITTO Executive Director. Proposals were made to postpone the decision to the next session of the ITTC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in November 2015, or to an extraordinary session to be held much earlier. Many delegates supported an idea to rotate the Executive Director position between Consumers and Producers, but also felt this matter needed further discussion. Many also backed the idea of creating a working group to delve into these matters. Consensus was not reached on any proposals before interpretation stopped, and the agenda item was not concluded at this session. The election of the next Executive Director will be put on the agenda of ITTC-51.
The Committee on Finance and Administration met in the morning to finalize their work. Delegates then met in a Council session to adopt the Reports of the Committees and decisions on: projects, pre-projects and activities; the ITTO Biennial Work Programme for 2015-2016; and admission and activities of observers during Council sessions.
The Council also elected Bin Che Yeom Freezailah (Malaysia) as Chair of ITTC-51, and Jennifer Conje (US) as Vice-Chair. Representatives of the Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) and the UN Forum on Forests delivered statements.
Executive Director Emmanuel Ze Meka and ITTC-50 Chair Rob Busink delivered closing addresses. The Chair closed the meeting at 9:28pm.
For more information, please consult the Summary of the IISD: Highlights IISD
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