The University of Wolverhampton, Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT): Communication on newly funded EU project

Please download the Documents here below:
W-CV4C-intro-SAMPLE-ENG-2[1].pdf (634.8 KiB)
W-CV4C-intro-SAMPLE-FRE.pdf (654.2 KiB)
W-M and E-TOR-ENG.pdf (172.0 KiB)
he University of Wolverhampton, Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) is pleased to announce the award of a € 5 million grant by the European Union for its “Citizen Voices for Change: Congo Basin Forest Monitoring Project (CV4C)”. The overall € 6.25 million project also benefits from the British, American and Norwegian government financial support. The Action will strengthen the capacity, influence and long-term viability of target forest monitoring non state actors (NSA) to perform essential watchdog functions in five Congo Basin countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and Republic of Congo). The ultimate goal of this Action is an increased contribution of forests to development, through reduced deforestation and degradation, conservation of biodiversity, sustained provision of ecosystem goods and services, and improved livelihoods for local forest communities. The specific objective is: strong and effective target NSAs monitor forest governance and forest land use change, inform relevant processes particularly FLEGT and REDD+, and contribute to effective responses from law enforcement and policy making agencies.
The Action will increase participation of national and local NSAs in: (1) collecting, assessing, analysing and sharing information; (2) monitoring forest governance, REDD+ and land-use change processes; and (3) advocacy, representation and holding governments accountable.
The Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) at the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom (UK) has established a partnership of the seven most active, respected and well-positioned forest monitoring organisations in the Region and the World Resources Institute (WRI), a leading global research organisation at the forefront of promoting transparency in natural resource management to deliver this action over the next four years. For more information about the project please consult our project brochure here or visit Here or check for regular updates on twitter at @eucv4c.
Citizen voices 4 Changes: Non State actors Participation in Forest Governance, FLEGT and REDD+
An empowered civil society, including indigenous peoples and local communities, with the capacity to access and analyse information, to monitor forest governance including forest land use policies, to advocate and to hold governments accountable are key to improving forest and land governance. It is central to the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) processes.
For more Information, please download the Documents here below:
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