Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program: Readiness to Engage: Stakeholder Engagement Experiences for REDD+ - Available in French...
...As the REDD+ countries move into the implementation of their stakeholder consultation and participation plans, donors should keep close oversight of how well the countries follow their plans and the results of stakeholder input. If collected, this information could be shared across countries. Countries that are leaders in stakeholder engagement could help to create peer pressure so that other countries aim to live up to international standards for the quality and extent of stakeholder engagement. Support by donors for strengthening civil society, particularly at sub-national levels, will be critical. The international REDD+ community has an important continuing role in promoting stakeholder engagement as an ongoing process throughout REDD+...
Key Recommendations
Much more can be done by countries during REDD+ development and implementation, especially Readiness Preparation and national REDD+ strategies, to clarify how risks will be mitigated and benefits distributed, and how to share oversight and monitoring responsibilities. Continued donor support for stakeholder engagement is critical, but donor requirements and guidance may still be insufficient to sway governments that remain uncommitted to reforming environmental governance to routinely include stakeholder engagement. Governments must be willing to address the procedural rights of stakeholders to be informed, engage with stakeholders on general topics and progress to stakeholder engagement on issues of substantive rights to land, resources, livelihoods and other potential REDD+ benefits, as well as roles in social impact and other monitoring. There is still very little systematic monitoring of stakeholder engagement experiences, lessons learned and promising practices for REDD+ processes by donors or others. As the REDD+ countries move into the implementation of their stakeholder consultation and participation plans, donors should keep close oversight of how well the countries follow their plans and the results of stakeholder input. If collected, this information could be shared across countries. Countries that are leaders in stakeholder engagement could help to create peer pressure so that other countries aim to live up to international standards for the quality and extent of stakeholder engagement. Support by donors for strengthening civil society, particularly at sub-national levels, will be critical. The international REDD+ community has an important continuing role in promoting stakeholder engagement as an ongoing process throughout REDD+.
Available for Download in French and English here below: the Report Brief: Stakeholder Engagement Experiences for REDD+ and Readiness to Engage: Stakeholder Engagement Experiences for REDD+:
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