Executive Summary: Paying for the Environment? Can the REDD+ mechanism and paying for environmental services help address the underlying causes of deforestation?


Available in the executive summary: REDD+ Background – Reference Scenario and “performance assessment” – A negotiation revolving around the problem of architecture – Effective projects? - The possibility of paying for environmental services? - Broadening the notion of performance? - The possibility of paying for environmental services? Strong recommendations on REDD+…


Executive Summary reflecting changes which occurred during the workshop jointly organized by CIRAD, GRET and Friends of the Earth, on June 17 and 18, 2013 at Nogent sur Marne and which gathered about a hundred representatives of NGOs, research bodies, private enterprises, governments or national public, European or international institutions. It was not intended to express the individual point of view of organizers or participants. The workshop was organized with the financial support the European Union and the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, as part of the Repere programme (project entitled “Paying for the Environment? REDD+ and payments for environmental services: Between commoditization and equitable Development”).


At the end of the workshop, the following recommendations were formulated:


♦ Harmonizing the different public forestry policies, an ecological transition to reduce dependence and pressure on the natural resources of the countries of the South

♦  Developing countries must apply the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility …”

♦  Economic instruments, REDD+ or PSE projects should not replace sound policy choices;

♦  Clarifying land rights and acknowledging the exclusive rights of populations to the space and resources they use;

♦  Establishing coherent and local right-compliant national policies implies significant progress with regard to the rule of law.

♦  Putting environmental intensification (through agro-ecology and agro-forestry) and land tenure of forest communities at the center of the REDD+ agenda.

♦  Investment instruments enabling the advancement of agro-sylvo-pastoral practices in order to eradicate poverty among communities living in forest areas, to diversify their income sources and thus plan ahead.

♦  Dropping the idea that REDD+ may be a “fast and costly” solution to cut down carbon emissions, and positively considering leveraging massive and sustained investment in developing a sustainable economy.

♦  “Performance-based payment” in terms of emissions reduction, which is the REDD+ principle, may not be the exclusive compensation criterion, especially in countries with weak institutions. Performances must be considered in a broader sense

♦  Civil society and donors must consider the high cost of REDD+ project implementation …certification and marketing of carbon credits, etc. These expertise-related expenses imply less means for field actions and the establishment of true incentives for local populations.


Available downloads: Note de synthèse - Payer pour l’environnement? Le mécanisme REDD+ et les Paiements pour Services Environnementaux permettront-ils de s’attaquer aux causes sous-jacentes de la déforestation ?


Executive summary by: A. Karsenty (CIRAD), A.Vogel (GRET), S.Angerand (Friends of Earth), C.Castellanet (GRET)




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