3rd Meeting of the Collaborative Partnership on Wildlife (CPW: United Against Wildlife Crime)
Bonn, 2 May 2014 - The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) held its third meeting in the margins of the General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) in Milan, Italy on 23 and 24 April with the 13 member organizations agreeing to produce a wildlife glossary on terminology, a document on the economic contribution of sustainable wildlife management (SWM) for local economies and livelihoods, a bushmeat source book and fact sheets on SWM. A wildlife management database, WILDLIFE-LEX, and CPW portal will also be created.
For more Information, please consult the following FAO's website: Here
Read also:
Meeting report: Collaborative Partnership on Wildlife
The second meeting of the Collaborative Partnership on Wildlife (CPW) met alongside the 19th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) and 3rd African Forestry and Wildlife Week in Windhoek, Namibia from 30th September – 1st October, 2013. Representatives from the core membership comprising IUCN, FAO, UNEP, OIE, IUFOR, CIFOR, CITES, TRAFFIC, CBD, CIC and CMS, were all in attendance.
The meeting was a chance to raise activities of members relating to relevant aspects of the partnership. Three priority areas for engagement were discussed and agreed to; 1) wildlife, food security and livelihoods; 2) Human-Wildlife-Conflict (HWC); and 3) illegal hunting. It was further decided that the partnership should obtain final comments from the institutional membership on a draft concept developed by the Secretariat (FAO), before proceeding further with full proposal writing and fundraising. Find more...
United Against Wildlife Crime
Bonn, 2 May 2014 - The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) held its third meeting in the margins of the General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) in Milan, Italy on 23 and 24 April.
The President of the CIC, Mr. Bernard Lozé announced that fighting wildlife crime and illegal wildlife trade was a strategic priority for the CIC. Further, he stated that CIC would build on the outcomes of the Global Summit – Hunters United against Wildlife Crime, in collaboration with CPW and other partners, in order to fulfil the hunters’ historical role as the foremost guardians and stewards of wildlife and habitats. Find more...
The Sanctuary Wildlife Care & Rehab Centre, SA
The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) held its third meeting in the margins of the General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) in Milan, Italy on 23 and 24 April.
The President of the CIC, Mr. Bernard Lozé announced that fighting wildlife crime and illegal wildlife trade was a strategic priority for the CIC. Further, he stated that CIC would build on the outcomes of the Global Summit – Hunters United against Wildlife Crime, in collaboration with CPW and other partners, in order to fulfil the hunters’ historical role as the foremost guardians and stewards of wildlife and habitats. Find more...
Thunderclap: Let's go wild for wildlife!
03.03.2014 - Through collaboration and joint commitment, we can help turn back ... the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management ... Find more...
Image credit: United Against Wildlife Crime
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