COMIFAC Executive Secretariat unveils Annual Work Plan 2014 (AWP)
The COMIFAC Executive Secretariat has published its Annual Work Plan 2014 (AWP). The document outlines the actions to be undertaken in 2014 by the Executive Secretariat of the Central Africa Forest Commission (COMIFAC) based on contributions from member countries and partner support.
The Executive Secretariat’s Work Plan 2014 follows on the Executive Secretariat’s Biennial Action Plan 2013-2014 adopted by the COMIFAC Council of Ministers at its 7th Ordinary Session held on November 21, 2012 in N'Djamena, Chad. The overall objective of the biennial action plan is to ensure implementation of decisions made by decision-making bodies and monitoring, evaluation and coordination of implementation of the Convergence Plan for the conservation and sustainable management of Central Africa’s forest ecosystems.
It was developed during a planning workshop which took place from 16 to 17 January 2014 in Limbe, Cameroon. The AWP 2014 was developed taking into account the progress level of implementation of the Annual Work Plan 2013 which showed an estimated target results achievement rate of 71%. Similar to the AWP 2013, the AWP 2014 was developed using the Results Based Management (RBM) approach.
The AWP 2014 comprises the following components:
- Planning, monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the Convergence Plan
- Communication, consultation and capacity building
- International dialogue on forests and the environment and promotion of COMIFAC
- Coordination of implementation of the Convergence Plan and partnerships
- COMIFAC statutory meetings
- Coordination and management of COMIFAC Executive Secretariat
The AWP is built around the following items:
- Logical framework of the biennial action plan 2013-2014
- 2014 Deliverables Planning Matrix
- Estimate of financial resources required
- Potential sources of funding
Lastly, successful implementation of the biennial action plan will require mobilization of several funding sources. These would notably include financial resources from COMIFAC member countries, partners and international organizations.
By way of reminder, it should be noted that in accordance with the Treaty establishing COMIFAC, the Executive Secretariat shall be the implementing body responsible for coordinating and monitoring various Forestry and Environment-related strategies and initiatives developed within the subregion. In fact, according to the sub-regional Convergence Plan adopted in February 2005 by the Central African Heads of State, various initiatives will be developed and implemented at national and subregional level. In this respect, the Executive Secretariat shall ensure consistency of actions undertaken and shall report to the COMIFAC Council of Ministers in charge of Forestry and the Environment, on the progress status of all initiatives and their consistency with the strategic axes of the Convergence Plan. All COMIFAC interventions shall therefore be planned in collaboration with various partners involved in the sector to ensure better visibility in the achievement of its objectives.
Please download l Annual Work Plan 2014 of the COMIFAC Executive Secretariat
PTA 2014 SE COMIFAC VFinale.pdf (357.3 Ko)
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