Green Climate Fund - Hela Cheikhrouhou: "Africa has so far not been well served by climate finance"
INTERVIEW. The Director of the Green Climate Fund answered questions from ‘Point Afrique’ on possible financing through her organization.
A former head of the ADB’s Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department, Hela Cheikhrouhou has been serving as Director of the Green Fund since 2013. She travelled to Bamako to raise awareness among Finance Ministers of the Free Zone gathered in Mali’s capital city.
Le Point Afrique: The international community made commitments on the climate in Lima during the Climate Conference. Six months later, have the States fulfilled their promises?
Hela Cheikhrouhou: The Green Fund launched its resource mobilization process in June 2014. In an extremely short time, we received pledges in the neighborhood of 10 billion dollars [in Lima]. Those promises have yet to translate into a contribution agreement, at least for the most part. However, the target is that nearly half of these promises be converted into a contribution agreement, within the next few weeks.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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