CEFDHAC-Burundi: New era dawns for CEFDHAC National Forum in BURUNDI
The CEFDHAC National Forum in Burundi held a revamp workshop in Bujumbura, Burundi from 19 to 20 May 2014. The workshop equally aimed to provide information regarding Climate Change and REDD+ related challenges. Organized by the Burundi National Forum, the meeting was facilitated by the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) with the financial support of ADB/ECCAS. The workshop which is part of CEFDHAC’s revamp process to be implemented through the Congo Basin Ecosystems Conservation Program (PACEBCo) attracted participants from Civil Society Organizations, administrations involved in sustainable forest ecosystem management, the CEFDHAC networks, research institutions, the COMIFAC National Coordinating Body, the CEFDHAC Regional Steering Committee and IUCN, as well as representatives of indigenous peoples.
The Burundian National forum had the following objectives for the workshop: to amend the first draft of the Forum’s basic texts, to amend the first draft of its three-year operational plan, and to discuss climate change and REDD+ related challenges with all the participants.
In a bid to meet these targets, the workshop was woven into five plenary sessions focusing on specific topics, namely: presentation of draft basic texts (Statutes and Rules & Regulations), review and beef-up of draft basic texts presented, amendment of draft operational plan, formulation and adoption of recommendations and strategies for the way forward.
Each session followed a participatory approach, during which recommendations were made and addressed to agencies involved in the National Forum revamp process. They include:
♦ COMIFAC: it was recommended that it should extend its training courses in the fields of climate change, sustainable biodiversity management, MDP financing mechanisms, the fight against desertification and REDD+ to include representatives of national fora within CEFDHAC in order to boost their capacities.
♦ IUCN and other partners: it was recommended that they should assist the Burundian CEFDHAC National Forum by organizing a General Assembly to adopt basic texts and raise funds towards implementation of the operational plan adopted and support the effective implementation of the National Forum’s operational plan.
♦ CEFDHAC : the recommendation was that it should ensure that all the CEFDHAC National fora obtain physical addresses that are recognized in the respective countries and support initiatives of the National Forum in Burundi with a view to its effective revitalization.
♦ National Forum bureau: the recommendation was that it should finetune the draft Statutes and Internal Rules & Regulations of the National Forum, circulate the operational action plan and enlist the media’s assistance in informing the public about CEFDHAC’s missions; convene a General Assembly of the National Forum for the purpose of adopting the proposed basic texts and operational action plan ; establish a list of potential local financial partners and take action to increase their awareness of some activities included in the National Forum’s operational action plan and hasten the set up of a national platform for civil society, REDD+ and climate change.
On this note, the participants parted ways in hopes of seeing the CEFDHAC National Forum in Burundi get off the ground.
For more Information, please download the Final Communiqué here below:
Image credit: CEFDHAC-Burundi
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