Session thématique - Stream 2: Conservation, Wildlife and Bushmeat – Central topic: “Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife” “How to optimize complementarity?” Chefs de file : AWF - CIFOR - WCS
Documentation now available - Session thématique - Stream 2: Conservation, Wildlife and Bushmeat – Central topic: “Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife” “How to optimize complementarity?” - Stream Leaders: AWF - CIFOR - WCS
Concept-Note-Stream 2 Conservation Wildlife and Bushmeat_final draftJune7.pdf (114.1 Ko)
Ppt Session 2 Topic 1 The Role of Protected Areas and Protected Species.pdf (2.4 Mo)
Ppt Session 2 Topic 2 National Security and Protected Area Management Who Does What.pdf (3.0 Mo)
Ppt Session 2 Topic 3 Reconciling Wildlife Protection with Land-use Policies.pdf (1.1 Mo)
Ppt Session 2 Topic 4 Nouvelles_technologies_PA.pdf (2.3 Mo)
Ppt Session 3 Topic 1 Regulating Bushmeat Harvests When does hunting become poaching.pdf (1.2 Mo)
Ppt Session 3 Topic 2 Bush Meat on the Nutrition and Health Agenda.pdf (616.3 Ko)
Ppt Session 3 Topic 3 - Formalisation du commerce de gibier.pdf (5.8 Mo)
Summary Session 1.pdf (42.4 Ko)
Summary Session 2 Topic 1.pdf (67.5 Ko)
Summary Session 2 Topic 2.pdf (51.0 Ko)
Summary Session 2 Topic 3.pdf (78.3 Ko)
Summary Session 2 Topic 4.pdf (44.4 Ko)
Summary Session 3 Topic 1.pdf (87.7 Ko)
Summary Session 3 Topic 2.pdf (65.5 Ko)
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