Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) - Summary of the Partners Meeting - Washington, DC January 27-28, 2014
Please download the Summary of the Partners Meeting - Washington, DC January 27-28, 2014 - Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) -
1. CARPE III plans shared among CAFEC and EMEMPS implementing partners
2. FWS grants programs coordinated with CARPE III
3. US facilitation of Congo Basin Forest Partnership coordinated with CARPE III
4. Partnerships initiated and enhanced through formal and non-formal networking
5. USAID informed by participant perspectives on CARPE implementation
Meeting focus was on the work of USAID/CARPE implementing partners but participation was open also to others active in the region wishing to better understand the CARPE program. CARPE partners outside the CARPE core funding (e.g. FWS, CBFP, Slivacabon, INCEF, BCI, IUCN and ABCG (Day2) focused on what they are doing and how their activities/programs relate to and complement CARPE’s programs in Central Africa. This helped CARPE in better coordination, leveraging resources and avoid any potential duplication, and share implementation experiences. Tuesday, January 28 afternoon focused on discussion of technical issues such as wildlife trade, Concessions, Global climate change, gender, and communications.
Opening remarks
CARPE II and III: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Landscape Programs
CARPE II and III: Conservation International (CI) Landscape Programs
CARPE II and III: Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Landscape Programs
CARPE II and III: African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) Landscape Programs
World Resources Institute (WRI)
US Forest Service (USFS)
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG)
International Conservation and Education Fund (INCEF)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)
Jane Goodall Institute (JGI)
Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI)
Wildlife Trafficking
Ivory Trade in Central Africa
Bushmeat Trade in Central Africa
Extractive Industries
CARPE III Communications and Outreach Strategy
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