The alarm has been sounded!



Evaluating MP implementation in Sena Oura National Park

The administrative sectors responsible for Wildlife Protection, defense and security issues, agriculture and livestock rearing, mines and territorial administration in Chad converged on 22 November 2017 on one of the meeting rooms of CEFOD in N'Djamena, to report on the evaluation of the implementation of the Management Plan (MP) of the Sena Oura National Park (PNSO). Taking into account the stakes of striking a balance between riparian populations’ development needs and biodiversity conservation, development partners, civil society, the elected representatives of the people and representatives of the riparian populations debated the challenges facing the PNSO.



The Assistant Secretary of the MEP, representing the Minister of Animal Husbandry and fisheries (MEP), opened the workshop dedicated to the report on the evaluation of implementation of the PNSO management plan (MP). The overall aim of the evaluation mission assigned to Dr Dolmia Malachi (consultant), was to assess the implementation of the Park’s MP, with a focus on the technical and financial aspects for the 2010 to 2016 period, with a view to suggesting transitional remedial measures and formulating guidelines to be submitted to stakeholders for assessment and consideration in the Plan’s review.



Close to 50 participants reacted strongly to the findings of the evaluation. It is important to note that the overall implementation rate of 33% and the finding of the advanced state of disrepair of the PNSO, came as a shock to a few participants. This is a critical juncture! The facts are appalling! The assessment examined the context, planning, resource allocation, governance, land use mapping, results obtained and impacts. The workshop participants understood the full scale of issues at hand and the need to act swiftly to halt the deterioration of the PNSO.



In addition, it was noted that it is proving difficult to establish an ecological continuum within this ecosystem as a host of human pressures on natural habitats surrounding the PNSO have made them increasingly compact, fragmented and isolated. Hence Dr. Malachi calls for a strategy to establish and manage ecological corridors which would link the PNSO to the surrounding natural habitats, if the park is to be maintained and apt to host viable populations of key animal species (elephant, eland of Derby..) in a sustainable manner.



The isolation of the PNSO, due to the fragmentation of the natural environment due to intense human pressure, requires ''decompression'' either through an “ecological corridors approach” or a “forward extension of boundaries approach”, which seems vital to the PNSO’s maintenance and the development of its biodiversity.



Dr. Malachie’s recommendation failed to gain the audience’s approval as they raised very sensitive issues, such as the degree of satisfaction or the sense of rejection or low acceptance of the PNSO by the riparian populations, as well as the issue of the survival and harmonious development of the riparian populations.



Also, the GIZ project to support the  Sena Oura Bouba Ndjidda Binational complex was represented by Mr Sidy Saarland, the Head of the Project’s Pala office in Chad. He reiterated the importance of having key stakeholders of the BSB work together and support each other in improving the management of the complex. He underscored the need to adopt strategic, judicial/institutional and operational tools to balance the development of riparian populations with biodiversity conservation.


The workshop ended with strong recommendations put to the Government of Chad and the project to support the BSB Yamoussa. The participants called on the Government of Chad to take urgent measures to reverse the deteriorating condition of the PNSO caused by the biodiversity degradation, and asked the project to follow-up advocacy on behalf of the PNSO with competent authorities.


 For further information please contact:

Bernadette Chantal, Edoa WANDJA Epse

Congo Basin Sustainable Forest Management Program

GIZ Project to support COMIFAC

Technical Communications expert


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