Unfccc-Case Studies Show Power of Gender Equality Climate Response
Considering gender in the fight against climate change is crucial but measuring and analyzing the concrete and practical reasons why this is so and how it can be harnessed to meet the climate challenge through real case studies is essential to implement effective policies and action.
Ambassador Laurence Tubiana, France’s newly-appointed international climate champion, reminded the UN climate change conference in Bonn this week during her opening speech of the important role gender plays. “Parity and gender equality are essential for the efficiency of all actions to fight against climate change. This is why gender equality is quoted in the preamble of the Paris Agreement,” she said.
In other words, women and men need to be equally involved in crafting solutions against climate change and policies and actions need to be gender-responsive in order to yield the highest level of success. A set of case studies built on a science-based approach known as Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) show the clear benefits and advantages that flow from this.
FPAR programmes highlight best practice examples to provide added value to gender sensitive climate policies, combining feminist theory with field experiences. Women in communities particularly affected are empowered to increase their collective influence to shape climate and development policies.
The findings of the studies dovetail with other recent research showing that women are among the strongest leaders to combat the impacts of climate change.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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