Thegef-Evaluation of the GEF CSO Network Approach Paper
Please download the evaluation: Here
The GEF Council at its 47th meeting in October, 2014 requested the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO) to undertake an evaluation of the GEF Civil Society Organizations (CSO)1 Network, with focus on the role of the Network in the context of the GEF partnership.
This evaluation will be the second evaluation of the Network and will follow up on recommendations and actions stemming from a 2005 GEF evaluation of the NGO Network as well as explore new features. Based on a literature review of approaches for evaluating CSO/NGO networks and coalitions, this paper presents the evaluation objectives followed by a history of the development of the GEF CSO Network and its structures for engagement with the GEF partnership; methods and limitations for review of the Network’s performance, relevance, effectiveness and results in promoting knowledge exchange and public involvement.
Since the establishment of Agenda 21, the increase in number and influence of CSO networks worldwide has allowed for their activities to be the subject of greater scrutiny and hence, there is now a growing body of literature on network formation, development, capacity building and evaluation. Evaluators have begun to develop frameworks2 for understanding networks using a mix of methods.
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