TRAFFIC organizes seminar for wildlife crime enforcement agencies in China

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2nd June 2016—TRAFFIC, with assistance from the National Anti-smuggling Office and Nanjing Forest Police College, earlier this month organized a “Seminar on combating wildlife smuggling and illegal trade” for enforcement agencies from across China.
Around 50 representatives from the Anti-smuggling Police, Forest police, Border Police, Marine Police, Environment Police and Customs attended.
It was the first time that representatives from every police wildlife crime enforcement department had met to share experiences and discuss the techniques for improving illegal wildlife trade detection—specifically the underground trade.
TRAFFIC opened the meeting with an overview of international illegal wildlife trade and the efforts underway to deter wildlife crime. Experts from the World Customs Organization Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (WCO RILO), China Customs’ Ruili Dog Base and Nanjing Forest Police college introduced examples of international intelligence exchange, the use of sniffer dogs and methods to deter online crime.
Representatives of the Forest Police, Border Police and Customs shared their experiences on deterring illegal wildlife trade, while experts from the procuratorate presented lessons learned from cases that had failed to result in a conviction, highlighting the need for strong objective evidence in support of suspects’ confessions.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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