TRAFFIC-Changing consumer choice advice a few clicks away

Cambridge, UK, 25th July 2016—A new Tool to support collaborative efforts in influencing purchasing preferences and buyer behaviour was unveiled today, with the launch of the Wildlife Consumer Behaviour Change Toolkit.
The online Toolkit has been developed by TRAFFIC as a resource for a demand reduction “Community of Practice”—all those with a stake, passion, interest or mandate in changing wildlife product consumer choice. It is the first time a resource of this type has been developed.
It provides a space through which Community members can share and source the latest evidence and insights into what it really takes to change consumer behaviour, based on experience from a number of fields, not solely the wildlife sector.
Resources already available on the site include more than 100 research reports, academic papers, policy frameworks and commercial insights, through to “creative inspiration” for achieving consumer behaviour change.
The online platform will ultimately include details of events such as Expert Roundtables, Masterclasses and Diagnostic Clinics—as well interactive elements, including a Members-only discussion forum and dedicated area for webinars and podcasts.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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