Welcome to our New Partner “The Forest Trust” (TFT)!


CRASSIER (SWITZERLAND), June 20th, 2011- The Forest Trust (TFT) officially confirmed its desire to join the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). TFT, an organisation with 90 members (majority from the private sector), is committed to respect the principles of sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa by approving the cooperation framework of CBFP partners. CBFP Facilitation is pleased with TFT commitment towards the strategic axes 5 and 7 contained in COMIFAC Convergence Plan.


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TFT is a global non-profit organization that helps companies and communities deliver Responsible Products. Since its founding in 1999 the main focus has been to provide solutions to the issue of deforestation and the difficulties involved in the responsible management of forests, in particular the interaction between communities and companies.


The wood products story always begins in a forest and in many countries and for many years, this story has been about illegal logging and deforestation with few players taking responsibility for their actions. Changing the story of timber products changes the story of the forest and TFT is convinced that the transformation can be accelerated through strong leadership of companies and policies as well as international collaboration. This is why, Scott Poynton, Executive Director of TFT sees the Congo Basin Forest Partnership as vitally important in continuing this progress and the reason why TFT has applied for membership. TFT has a long track record of successfully assisting businesses to deliver responsible products to market and helping stakeholders develop and implement credible action plans to mitigate key environmental and social risks and believe it can add value to the Partnership.


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TFT staff are on the ground in forests, farms and factories in 14 countries on all continents. They work by using their supply chain expertise to identify and address the social and environmental issues embedded within them, which often block progress to independently verified sustainable forest management.


Through the same model, TFT has involved institutional donors and individuals looking to build capacity on the ground thus giving communities and local companies the tools to provide responsible products to world markets.



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TFT work has seen the creation of the first training institution in the Congo Basin (now functioning in Cameroon), dedicated to addressing the social issues embedded in sustainable forest management as well as the first indigenous language radio station, Biso na Biso, in the CIB forestry concessions which hare now FSC certified, in northern Congo. 



Now with offices in 13 countries, TFT works on a large range of products using its supply chain expertise to identify and eliminate social and environmental challenges.  TFT focuses on natural resource management and traceability.






Welcome to our New Partner “The Forest Trust” (TFT).


To learn more, please refer to The Forest Trust website: TFT


Image credits: 1. Communities Broadcast  Biso na Biso au Congo and 2. CSE students learning inventory skills in the forest @- TFT

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