Tropical Forest News May 2018

This edition of ITTO Tropical Forest News reports some of ITTO’s recent work aimed at scaling up investments in productive forests and sustainable supply chains across the tropics. We believe that such investments are crucial for generating equitable economic growth and ensuring wellbeing at the local to planetary scales. They will also help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 15 (“life on land”).
We are working hard to spread this message, in collaboration with our many members and partners. At the recently convened 13th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forest (UNFF13), for example, the Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) said the time is now right to actively promote sustainable supply value chains and capacity building. At a UNFF13 side-event organized by FAO, ITTO presented its views on advancing sustainable forest management by “rehabilitating” wood products in global markets. Under the co-leadership of ITTO and FAO (and with the support of other CPF partners), a new CPF joint initiative, “Sustainable wood for a sustainable world”, also known as SW4SW, was approved on the sidelines of UNFF13 as a new activity in the CPF Workplan 2017–2020.
In another side-event hosted by IUCN, ITTO announced that it would take the lead on revising the ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forests in collaboration with IUCN and with the generous support of the Global Environment Facility and the Government of the Republic of Korea.
On other matters, and in order to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), below we are asking our subscribers in Europe who no longer wish to receive Tropical Forest News to unsubscribe or update their subscription preferences.
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Read more … WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Read more … Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
Read more … Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
ATIBT -CBFP: Private Sector mobilized around the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany
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