Sixth SGTAPFS meeting

Please download the Documents here below:
Communiqué Final Consolidé de la sixième réunion du SGTAPFS Douala 2017.pdf (662.5 Ko)
Feuille de route du SGTAPFS 2017-2018.pdf (115.1 Ko)
As part of efforts to implement its road map, the Sub-Working Group on Protected Areas and Wildlife in Central Africa (SGTAPFS) held its sixth meeting from 27 to 29 April 2017 in Douala, Cameroon.
At the close of the meeting, the participants at the sixth meeting of the Sub-working Group on Protected Areas and Wildlife in Central Africa (SGTAPFS 6) formulated the following resolutions and recommendations:
- Adopts the SGTAPFS Roadmap 2017-2018;
- Decides to review the AMP AC-PARC interim report on the baseline status of initiatives underway to establish AMPs at the next SGTAPFS meeting…..
Please download the Documents here below:
Communiqué Final Consolidé de la sixième réunion du SGTAPFS Douala 2017.pdf (662.5 Ko)
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