Final Communiqué of 7th SGTAPFS meeting

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Communiqué final 7ème SGTAPFS_Libreville.pdf (589.2 Ko)
As part of the implementation of its road map, the Sub- Working Group on Protected Areas and Wildlife in Central Africa (SGTAPFS) held its seventh meeting from 4 to 8 December 2017 in Libreville, Gabon.
The meeting was hosted by the Executive Secretariat of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), in collaboration with the Central African Protected Area Network (RAPAC) and with financial and technical support from the GIZ and JICA projects to support COMIFAC. It had the following objectives:
- To conduct to a collective review of the PPP-AP in AC since 2005 in order to identify priority measures to be adopted to improve the preparedness, contract terms, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of this system;
- Review of experiments underway in the sub-region since 2005 to highlight lessons learned;
- Come up with guidelines for the development of a regional best practices guide for public-private partnerships (PPP) in Central Africa’s protected areas;
- Take stock of implementation of the Sub-Regional Action Plan of COMIFAC countries to strengthen national wildlife law enforcement;
- Take stock of implementation of the Emergency Anti-Poaching Action Plan (PAULAB);
- Take stock of implementation of the African Regional Strategy on the fight against Illegal exploitation and the Illicit Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora in Africa
- Get an update on the issue of management of ivory stocks in COMIFAC countries;
- Develop a Roadmap for SGAPFS for 2018-2019.
The meeting was moderated in turn by Mr. Mamy Raboanarijaona during the first part dealing with PPPs and Mr Henri Paul Eloma for the rest of the deliberations. It was co-chaired by the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo respectively represented by Mr Lambert Bockandza-Paco, Director General of the Congolese Wildlife and Protected Areas Agency and Mr. Benjamin BALONGELWA, Director of Cooperation at the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN).
The workshop gathered representatives of the following COMIFAC countries (Directors of National Park agencies, Directors in charge of wildlife and/or Protected Areas and Conservators): Burundi, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, DRC, CAR and Chad, representatives of GTBAC, OFAC, the executive secretariats of COMIFAC and RAPAC, development partners (EU, GIZ, JICA, TRAFFIC, WWF and IUCN/BIOPAMA), WCS and REPAR.
- Adopts the SGTAPFS Roadmap 2017-2018;
- Takes note: of the revitalization of the OCFSA, progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas in Central Africa Project and the content of the BIOPAMA-Central Africa Program and potential support....
For more information, please download the document below:
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