COMIFAC: Final Communiqué of 8th SGTAPFS meeting

Please download the document below:
Communiqué final 8ème SGTAPFS_Douala - Copie.pdf (216.9 Ko)
As part of the implementation of its road map, the Central African Sub- Working Group on Protected Areas and Wildlife (SGTAPFS) held its eighth meeting from 29 to 30 May 2018 in Douala in the Republic of Cameroon.
The meeting was hosted by the Executive Secretariat of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), with the financial and technical support of the GIZ COMIFAC Support Project. It had the following objectives:
- Review and validate the regional guide on best practices for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Central Africa’s protected areas;
- Take stock of implementation of COMIFAC countries’ Sub-regional Action Plan to strengthen national wildlife law enforcement (PAPECALF);
- Take stock of implementation of the Emergency Anti-Poaching Action Plan (PAULAB);
- Discuss the PAPECALF evaluation methodology;
- Get an update on the issue of ivory stocks management in COMIFAC countries;
The meeting was alternately moderated by Mr. Bob Félicien KONZI SARAMBO, GTBAC Manager and Mr. Henri-Paul ELOMA IKOLEKI, DRC Expert of the “Sustainable financing of protected areas in the Congo Basin” Project. The workshop drew representatives from the following COMIFAC countries (General Managers of National Park Agencies, Directors in charge of wildlife and/or Protected Areas): Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the DRC, CAR, Rwanda and Chad, representatives of GTBAC, OFAC, ECCAS, the Executive Secretariat of the COMIFAC, Development Partners (GIZ, TRAFFIC and WWF ) and a resource person.
For more information, please download the document below:
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