Adaptation Fund In South Africa

In the rural northwestern Namakwa District of South Africa’s rolling Northern Cape, the negative effects of climate change are becoming commonplace. Climate change projections have indicated that both the Mopani District, in Limpopo in the north east of South Africa, and the Namakwa District, in the Northern Cape in the north west of South Africa, will be subject to increasing temperatures and changing rainfall patterns. According to local scale analysis of historical trends and future projections, there is a distinct warming trend for both Mopani and Namakwa, which will be far more severe by 2050 if global mitigation efforts are unsuccessful.
Read the Adaptation Story to learn more on how this Adaptation Fund project “Taking Adaptation to the Ground: A Small Grants Facility for Enabling Local Level Responses to Climate Change”, incorporates climate adaptation response strategies into local practices so that assets, livelihoods and ecosystem services are protected from climate-induced risks associated with expected droughts, seasonal shifts and storm-related disaster events..
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
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Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Read more … Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Monthly update April 2020
Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
Read more … Resources and follow-up from the virtual FAO-EcoAgriculture Partners Roundtable
ATIBT -CBFP: Private Sector mobilized around the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany
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