Technical Validation Workshop on Training Modules 3 and 4 in Forest Concessions Sustainable Management (from 18 to 20 December 2012)
(1) analyzing the skills to be developed, contents, prerequisites and the teaching formula for each modules; (2) identifying sub-regional challenges forest professionals shall be confronted to; (3) identifying the contents and skills to be developed at tertiary and technical levels, through thematic working groups (TWG); The above are some of the objectives of the workshop.
Douala (Cameroon), a Technical Workshop for the Validation of Modules 3 and 4 on Forest Concessions Sustainable Management was held from 18 to 20 December 2012, under the chairmanship of Denis Durand, CERFO General Manager. The workshop was organized by the Network of Forest and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC), with ITTO financial support through the PD 456/07 Rév.4 (F) Project and in collaboration with the technical partners of Université LAVAL and Sainte-Foy Forestry Teaching and Research Center (CERFO).
The following professionals of Université LAVAL attended the workshop: Nancy Gélinas, Associate Professor; André Desrochers, Full Professor: Marie-France Gévry, Project Officer; CERFO experts: Philippe Bournival, Project Officer; Guy Lessard, Sustainable Forest Development Expert; the project management unit; and the members of thematic working groups (TWG) of the modules 3 and 4 of seven RIFFEAC member institutions, beneficiaries of the PD 456/07 Rév.4 (F) Project: CRESA-Forêt-Bois-Yaoundé (Cameroon); FASA-Dschang (Cameroon); ENEF Mbalmayo (Cameroon); ERAIFT – Kinshasa (DRC); ENEF-Cap Estérias (Gabon); IDR-Brazzaville (Congo); ISDR Mbaïki (CAR).
Following preliminary work carried out by the CERFO and Université LAVAL on: (1) Conservation of biodiversity in Central African Forest concessions and (2) Forest development in the framework of the REDD strategies in Central Africa; these ITTO modules 3 and 4 were respectively rephrased as follows: (1) Conservation of biodiversity in forest concessions in the Congo Basin countries based on OIBT/UICN directives for the sustainable conservation and use of biodiversity in timber-producing tropical forests (2) Sustainable forest development under the REDD strategies in the Congo Basin countries.
This workshop was aimed at: (1) analyzing the skills to be developed, contents, prerequisites and the teaching formula for each modules; (2) identifying sub-regional challenges forest professionals shall be confronted to; (3) identifying the contents and skills to be developed at tertiary and technical levels, through thematic working groups (TWG); (4) making recommendations on the prerequisites, the teaching formula and the implementation of the modules in each institution; (5) discussing the key elements to take into consideration for content updates.
The orientations and objectives of the two modules proposed by the ITTO were reviewed and validated by the participants. They identified the skills to be acquired, the courses and chapters to be taught, as well as their content, the prerequisites and the training organization.
TWG members drew the operational planning of their groups and made recommendations on access to soft documentation online, partnerships between training institutions and logging companies, the importance of field internships for learners.
The summary report of the workshop will soon be available on the RIFFEAC website.
RIFFEAC TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS - From 10 to 20 December 2012 in Douala, Cameroon, the Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC) organized three technical workshops, in collaboration the technical partners of Université LAVAL and Sainte-Foy Teaching and Research Center – CERFO).
Available download: Six priority training modules for RIFFEAC members
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