RIFFEAC: Conclusions of the Workshop on the Revision and Harmonization of Curricula and Courses - Forestry Operations and Timber Industry (from 10 to 13 December 2012)
At the end of the workshop, training programs on the timber industry and forestry operations were examined, amended and approved by the Thematic Working Groups (TWG) made up of professionals from twelve beneficiary institutions of the FOGRN-BC Project.
The workshop for the revision and harmonization of curricula and courses of the 1st cycle in the Timber Industry and Forestry operations was held in Douala (Cameroon) from 10 to 13 December 2012. With the financial support of ADB/CBFF through the FOGRN-BC project, the workshop was organized by the Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC), in collaboration with technical partners from Université LAVAL and Saint-Foy Forestry Teaching and Research Center (CERFO). In addition to the members of the PMU (Project Management Unit) team of RIFFEAC, there were three professionals from Université Laval: Marie-France Gévry (PEFOGRN-BC Project Manager/University feature), Luc Lebel (professor in forestry operations), and Michel Beaudoin (retired professor in the timber industry) who led the workshop. Other attendees included a representative of the “2020-GIZ Strategy” (RDC), two representatives of each of the twelve FOGRN-BC(IB) beneficiary institutions covered by the university component of the PEFOGRN-BC Project, namely: CRESA-Forêt-Bois-Yaoundé (Cameroon); FASA-Dschang (Cameroon); ERAIFT – Kinshasa (DRC); ENEF-Cap Estérias (Gabon); FSA-UNIKIN (DRC); FSA-UNILU (DRC); FSA-UNIKIS (DRC); FSA/UCG (DRC); IDR-Brazzaville (Congo); ISA-Gitega (Burundi); ISDR Mbaïki (Central African Republic).
The objectives of the workshop included, among others: (1) analyzing 1st cycle curricula taught in the various CB (Congo Basin) institutions – analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; (2) identifying sub-regional challenges, skills to be imparted to learners and employment opportunities for each field of training (possible jobs for graduates); (3) harmonizing 1st cycle curricula delivered in the sub-region on Forestry Operations and the timber industry;(4) formulating recommendations on the prerequisites and the integration of the curricula in each institution; (5) preparing course outlines (objectives, skills and contents) for the new draft curricula proposed for Forestry Operations and the Timber Industry using the skills-based approach. Formulating recommendations on teaching formula prescribed for each course; (6) elaborating recommendations on key elements to be taken into consideration for content updates.
Based on preliminary work carried out by Université LAVAL and resource persons from each institution, the strengths and weaknesses of existing training courses were identified. This enabled the University to prepare training curricula on the timber industry and forestry operations which will be examined during workshop sessions. These programs once examined, were then amended and approved by the Thematic Working Group (TWG) comprising professionals from twelve beneficiary institutions of the FOGRN-BC Project.
The recommendations made to the TWG members focused on the validation of curricula by forestry administrations of their respective countries, and the private forestry sector, and drafting of course outlines based on KNOWLEDGE and KNOW-HOW. Nevertheless, the mandate of the TWG, the university component related to this survey is yet to be defined by the Project Manager as from January 2013.
It should be noted that the technical aspect of this work had been executed by the CERFO team in October in Libreville, Gabon, for the timber industry, and from late October to early November in Mbalmayo, Cameroon, for forestry operations.
A summary report on the workshop will soon be available on the RIFFEAC website.
RIFFEAC TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS - From 10 to 20 December 2012 in Douala, Cameroon, the Network of Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC) organized three technical workshops, in collaboration with technical partners from Université LAVAL and Sainte-Foy Teaching and Research Center – CERFO).
Available download: Six Modules de formation prioritaires pour les Membres du RIFFEAC
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