Forestcarbonpartnership: REDD+ Decision Support Toolbox

Overview: Sound quantitative estimates of forest extent and quality are essential for REDD+. The observation of forest change is fundamental to demonstrate emission reductions that result from policies and measures. Developing forest reference emission levels (emission baselines) and monitoring capacity requires REDD+ countries to make a number of technical and policy decisions and build capacity.
To assist countries in this respect, the FCPF developed the ‘REDD+ Decision Support Toolbox’ that lets users explore policy, methodological and technological options for a specific jurisdictional area and context. It also provides comprehensive technical training materials.
How it works: The interactive toolbox is intended to be used by FCPF countries as they consider the design and technical components of their national or subnational REDD+ programs. It provides practical guidance based on existing REDD+ frameworks including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change the FCPF’s Carbon Fund Methodological Framework.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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