RAPAC becomes UNESCO partner member
April 14 will be forever etched into the history of the Central African Protected Areas Network (RAPAC). In a communiqué published on April 17, 2014, the RAPAC Executive Secretariat revealed that it had been officially admitted by the UNESCO Head Office as a new Partner Member.
The admission comes to crown RAPAC’s efforts in providing a platform for harmonization, coordination, discussion and support among stakeholders in Protected Area Management and for up-scaling of natural resources in Central Africa.
By joining UNESCO’s Partner membership, RAPAC will be helping address challenges extending beyond the confines of Central Africa.
The Decision will be announced at the 195th session of UNESCO’s Executive Council due to hold in October 2014.
Please see the communiqué below:
ComRAPAC_PartenaireUNESCO_140414.pdf (64.1 Ko)
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