Proposals & Concepts Currently Under ReviewCurrently Under Review
Both project concepts and full project proposals are posted online for public review and comment before the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat has completed the screening and technical review process.
The proposals listed below have been received for review and consideration during the intersessional review cycle between the twenty-seventh and the twenty-eighth Board meeting. Public comments on these proposals are welcome, and should be sent to on May 9th, 2016 at the latest. When submitting comments, please include your full name and any relevant professional affiliation.
Technical reviews of the project proposals from past meetings can be located in the documents page of the corresponding Board meeting.
None of the content of these project proposals is attributable to the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat. These project proposals are not intended to be relied upon for any purpose, and the Adaptation Fund Board and its secretariat are not responsible for any reliance upon, nor for any use or misuse of, the information contained in these project proposals.
By submitting comments, users agree that their comments are public, and not private or proprietary communications. Any posting of user comments does not imply that either the Adaptation Fund Board or its secretariat has (a) endorsed, reviewed, or approved a posted comment, (b) represented that the comment is accurate or reliable, (c) assumed responsibility for the comment, or (d) assumed an obligation to monitor the comment or to modify or remove any inappropriate comment or information. The Adaptation Fund Board secretariat reserves the right to monitor the site and, at its discretion and without notice, not to post, or remove if already posted, any abusive or offensive comment, and to block from future posting the user to which the abusive or offensive comment is attributable.
For more Information, please check: HERE
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There are no news items for this period.