Programme for Promotion of Certified Logging (PPECF)- Network of mobile cinemas in Africa (CNA): Towards an enabling environment to improve the quality of industrial logging in the Congo Basin
Kindly download: Les termes de référence du Projet (Project terms of reference, French)
Cinema does not exist in the Central, South and East regions of Cameroon. Television equipment are scarce, messages on sustainable forest management are seldom broadcast or only present the views of the structure financing the broadcast.
Despite the noted increase in awareness over the last ten years, the need for sustainable management of forest resources and biodiversity protection is little understood by the population and many key players. Biodiversity continues to deteriorate.
State structures with limited resources struggle to enforce existing laws, companies are not sufficiently interested in certification; local populations do not benefit enough from annual forest royalties derived from logging.
In light of the above findings, PPECF and its partner concession holders, through the CNA, is able to communicate in a neutral way on improving industrial logging through CNA’s actions on the ground.
The project entails working with the Programme for Promotion of Certified Logging (PPECF) to organise a series of long film projections combining fun-filled and informative features to improve the quality of industrial logging.
The intervention targets forest concession employees, local communities (Baka pygmies, women's groups, forest farmers’ committees...), by involving all other stakeholders in forest management.
The idea is to promote certified industrial logging by improving working conditions in remote sites and developing entrepreneurship among employees, which is a prerequisite to overcoming the constraints of certification. It also aims to educate workers on wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and on low-impact logging techniques. Lastly, the campaign will help motivate the local population to engage with logging companies and to take a more active role in the management of forest and wildlife resources.
Responsible management of the vast biodiversity resources of the Congo Basin forests will help protect the allowable cut to combat climate change at local, regional and global levels and safeguard the use or land tenure rights, legal or customary rights of local populations.
The Mobile Digital Cinema will gather hundreds of people around the issues of certification and responsible forest management. It will strengthen communication on certified logging and help popularize the principles of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to a broad public which is directly concerned by the topic. The challenge will be to generate debate and reflection to rally the widest possible support.
The main beneficiaries include: employees of logging companies operating in forest areas, local populations (Baka Pygmies...), local NGOs, forest farmers’ committees, women's groups, technical ministries (MINFOF MINEP MINAS ...), local councils.
For more information, please download termes de référence du projet(project terms of reference, French)
Please click the links below for more information on:
"Promoting certified forest logging" Programme,PPECF (COMIFAC/KFW)
Network of mobile cinemas in Africa
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